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chapter one | seoul searching.

"I've never seen someone sleep as soundly as a rock– God, Liu Jiayi, wake up!" Father yelled, smacking me with the astray pillow

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"I've never seen someone sleep as soundly as a rock– God, Liu Jiayi, wake up!" Father yelled, smacking me with the astray pillow. I winced, pretending to be dead. If I played the part well enough, maybe he'd take me back to Busan. Father groaned, hitting me one last time. "I know you're awake, hun. You don't have to act as if you're dead in hopes I put you six feet under! Perhaps I should!"

"No, no need, I'm alive," I sat up, opening my eyes and soon covering them from the sun. Father stood in front of me, crossing his arms, beckoning to my pajamas. I looked at my phone, seeing the time: 8:09 AM. God, why did he wake me up so early? It's not like I'm in high school anymore, or that I'm going to college. I faced him, a grimace etched on my face. "Are you going somewhere? You don't have to tell me, you can just leave."

"Yeah. I'm going to work in a few minutes, and I'm telling you to get out and get air," I groaned, laying back in bed. Father grabbed my arm, hoisting me back into a sitting position to listen to him. "Jaiyi, you're what, twenty-two? No boyfriend, no social life, nothing! Don't act like it's easy, because you didn't have one in Busan, either! I'm begging you, please get to know Seoul. It's time for you to have a new life."

"I had a life in Busan, Dad. I had friends I've known since childhood–"

"And what did they do to you again?" Oh god, he's about to bring it up. "Right–now you're silent. You know they used you, yet you didn't say a word to me until I caught you! Jiayi, now's a perfect time. Please, we're going to be here for a long time."

"Okay, okay, whatever stops you from nagging me, Dad," I chuckled, raking my hair back. Man, I loved him with my whole heart, but he stressed me out. "I'll go get dressed and take a trip around Seoul. Happy?"

"Very," How cold. Not even an offer to wait and drive me–wait, never mind, he has work. "Make sure to eat. I left money on the table."

"Will do," He closed the door behind him, and after he's gone with one last slam, I laid back in bed. I know, I know. I committed to actually going around Seoul, but what is there to do? There are huge skyscrapers and buildings. We're in the city of Seoul, not the outskirts. It will be things you see just about anywhere else. "God, life's a bitch. I'm only twenty-two, and I'm aching like a grandma. Fuck."

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