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chapter sixteen | bite the bullet.

"Jaemin, I'm not very happy you're here," I said, making myself a coffee

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"Jaemin, I'm not very happy you're here," I said, making myself a coffee. Dad nudged me, eyeing him. "What? Am I a liar? It's ten in the morning, on a Monday, and I'm supposed to have lunch with Chaewon in an hour. What's your issue?"

"If you two are going to bicker, take it to your friend's apartment across the hall–"

"Don't you have to leave for work in five minutes?" I interrupted, facing my father. He groaned, snatching an apple from our fruit basket and tsking. "Bye, Dad."

"Bye, Mr. Liu," Jaemin waved, and my dad waved back. These two are so annoying. Dad closed the door behind him, which left Jaemin and me alone. I grimaced, almost vexed at the fact he dares to be in my house for no exact reason. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You must be a busybody," I commented, beckoning to him with my coffee mug in my hand. "Do you not have work? No hobbies?"

"Racing," Jaemin deadpanned. "Besides, can't I come to see one of my favorite Neos?"

"Alright, now you're fucking with me," I scoffed. "Why don't you–" A knock came at my door. I thought it was Dad forgetting his keys, so I opened the door, only to see a huffing Mark with his hands on his knees. Beads of sweat were on his face–did he run here?

"Did any of you read your fucking messages?" Mark barked, soon pointing at Jaemin. "Especially you, fuckwad."

Mark and Donghyuck must be as close as friends as Taeyong and Donghyuck. They have the same mannerisms. Jaemin shook his head, pulling out his phone from his jacket pocket and opening it. Soon, eyebrows furrowing at his phone, Jaemin stood up. "What the fuck?" He stared at Mark, and Mark began to furiously nod.

"I know. Look what the fuck you did, dude," Too many fucks flying around, and not enough fucking context. Mark turned to me, pointing to my phone on the table. "I texted you. Read it."

Quickly, I opened my phone and saw a screenshot that was from Taeyong.

'Neos, the Luminaries are requesting a circuit race today. Please be there extra early for Chaewon to fix cars and please prepare yourselves. I think it's time.'

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