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chapter twelve | dinner problems.

chapter twelve | dinner problems

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I knocked on the door, antsy. I looked around, awkward, waiting for one of the Luminaries to answer the door. I heard one of them saying my name, and for the other to get the door so I could come in. Finally, the door swung open, and a kind Seungmin greeted me. "Oh, Jiayi–" Then, his eyes raised. "–And Haechan. Oh."

I was invited for dinner at their house. Of course, when I told Taeyong and Donghyuck, they started spouting nonsense, saying that one of them should come with me. Donghyuck said it had to be him, and Taeyong got all whiny, talking about how he'd be better fit for the job, but ultimately after Donghyuck's explanation, had to surrender. So, here we are: I'm having dinner with the Luminaries, but he's my plus one. "I suppose both of you can come in."

"I'd rather have you pretend like I'm not here," Donghyuck said once he followed me inside, Seungmin closing the door behind us. "I'll just sit there, so talk about whatever you want. I'm making sure nothing happens to Jiayi."

"You don't need to explain it to me," Seungmin shoved his hands in his pockets, a thin line turning into a bright smile once he met my eyes. "Explain it to Minho."

Minho was probably the least of people Donghyuck wanted to talk to right now, so I went ahead. The two were talking–Minho and Yeosang–but then they saw me. "Hello, Jiayi!" Minho waved, but after seeing Donghyuck walk up behind me, his hand fell. "I didn't know you needed to have a bodyguard with you now. If I knew, perhaps I would've been more cautious."

"Hush, Lee Know," He replied, crossing his arms. "I'm not here to pick a fight, so don't piss me off."

"Oh, trust," Minho flashed a sly smirk. "I don't think you'd want to do that in my house."

Minho's words reminded me of how Taeyong told me Donghyuck would never shoot a gun. It worried me for a moment, but turning back to Neo's "captain," he didn't bat an eye. "Where's Karina and Sakura?" I spoke, Yeosang pointing upward.

"Her bedroom. Karina's going through it because of that bitch–I mean, Jaemin, so I suggest that you don't bring your little friend up there. She can get a bit mean to men."

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