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chapter five | the luminaries.

chapter five | the luminaries

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"But proceed with caution. The Luminaries are some dodgy people. Don't let the hyungs find out if you do, or they might think you're betraying them."

Betrayal, my ass. Of course, I wouldn't go against the Lee siblings, especially with how welcoming they made me feel. I guess I can owe it to most of them: Taeyong and Chaewon brought me there, Mark was a sweetheart, and Yuta was a bit playboy-ish, but he made me giggle. Jaemin, despite dating someone from this side of the circuit, gave me a good run down.

But, Haechan? I'm not too sure if he gets the award as well. He was standoffish, as described by all his teammates. There was nothing too special about him, but I suppose the "racer" quality in itself is special.

The Luminaries had a grand house: Something like a royal mansion but mixes it with frat-boy taste and privileged kids. There were unattended items around the lawn, like water guns, spray paint, and tools. To me, this house wasn't a home. I enjoyed the taxi drive here, though, because it was nice seeing pretty patches of green. Father initially begged me to do chores with him, but after telling him I had friends, he ushered me out of the house immediately. I guess he supported my endeavors even with a slight lie.

I made it to their doorstep, hearing silence surround me. It was mid-afternoon, almost evening, and I was afraid they went somewhere. Minho told me they'd be around the whole day, waiting for me, but I didn't trust it. However, after briefly knocking, I was greeted by Miss Corvette. She was wearing a pink headband and a flower-patterned dress, which shocked me–a night or two ago, she was in a black jumpsuit. She smiled, bowing her head slightly. "Nice to meet you, Jiayi."

I perked up. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met before."

"You're right, not personally," She stuck out her hand for me to shake. "Miyawaki Sakura. Apologies I could not face you. I didn't want to scare you after all the shit you might've heard about us, so I didn't make a big appearance. I'm glad Minho invited you over so we could officially get to know you."

She made it sound like I'm a star. Was there something I was missing? "It's nice to meet you, Sakura. I'm Liu Jiayi, as you know," I didn't know what else to say, I was too shocked about how my presence was known so easily.

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