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chapter twenty-five | plan b(efore crisis).

Mark and I hastily entered Taeyong's apartment, everyone turning at the sound of the soft creak

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Mark and I hastily entered Taeyong's apartment, everyone turning at the sound of the soft creak. I awkwardly took a step forward, Mark pushing me up just a bit to stand next to Donghyuck. We made eye contact, the racer giving me a knowing expression before turning to face a ferocious Taeyong. I didn't consider it until Taeyong went on his rampage that the apartment was too tiny for us to all fit into–Jaemin was sitting on Yuta's lap, Winter and Chaewon sat on the ends, Mark going over to Taeyong to keep him calmed down... although it was just eight of us, it really only worked well for him and his sister.

"Can you fucking believe that?" Taeyong scoffed. "I've never seen them pull shit like that! Two of our cars almost got absolutely totaled! The fool's fucking lucky Haechan's airbags didn't come out, or else it really would have been over for him!"

"Taeyong hyung, calm down. As long as we're all safe, it shouldn't matter," Donghyuck commented, making him turn. "Of course, it matters that we lost, but aren't you glad nobody died?"

"...Yes. I guess I should be happy that everyone's safe," Taeyong considered, wiping his brow. "Yuta, did the cops take a glimpse of your plate?"

"No. I already ditched by the time I heard the sirens on the second lap. They came flying, so I exited before reaching the finish line," Taeyong nodded, relieved. Yuta then turned to Mark, but eventually, his gaze made it to me. "How about you, Jiayi? Did the cops find you?"

"I was pretending to fill my tank at the gas station. Luckily, it wasn't an empty spot, so I was covered by some other cars."

"Next time, you have to dash. That's a risky move, and you got lucky," Yuta said, making me nod. "However, I heard you made it third. Is that true?"

"Yeah, she's the only one who fucking placed," Taeyong said, still in a fit of fury. "Lee Know suddenly shoved Haechan's car into the shoulder, and the girls were already too far. Don't you find that odd?"

Mark and I turned to each other, him being the only one fully aware of a situation I had barely any information about. I could assume, but that would be wild. Mark knew about the bet out of being obvious, but Lee Know having even a thought of that bet and still letting me place third... it doesn't make sense. He wasn't there, was he? It would be rare to have him show up to an occasion out of nowhere.

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