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chapter fourteen | letting go.

chapter fourteen | letting go

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It was Saturday. Two days had passed in utter silence, with no contact from any of the Neos or Luminaries. I was wondering if the word had spread about me and Donghyuck, but I presumed after Renjun's shock (and his babbling mouth), that people knew. I wanted to know what Donghyuck thought, well, about what happened, but I don't think he'd go around spattering my business like that. I trusted him enough to disregard all the chatter and keep it a secret.

I wasn't going to the race today. I thought that, in order for Donghyuck to race more comfortably, I shouldn't be there. I didn't want to feel like an external force that he could always feel–mainly because in Busan, that's what I always was.

"You're such a pushover! Stop standing around and just leave!"

"Why aren't you helping? If you aren't going to be of any use, go!"

I've never really been helpful in the first place.

That's why even my presence alone would be a trivial matter.

I sat on my couch, watching TV as Dad left for the grocery store. "I'll be back. Do you need anything from the store? Chocolate, tissues, new shows, a man to bring home?"

I chuckled at his words. He must've sensed that I was bothered. "No, I'm alright. Thank you."

"Well, the offer for a man is still up. Just give me a call, and I'll kidnap one."

"Dad!" I exclaimed, making him laugh. Ending our conversation as he left, the sound became white noise. I was forcibly tuning out, trying to ignore the fact I was bored. Usually, the spur of the moment would be enough for a week, but without it, it's like I'm going through withdrawal. Racing was a healthy addiction, but now, it's like a nightmare.

A knock resounded against my door, making the scene from "Mean Girls" consume my ears again. I figured it might be Dad: he probably forgot his phone or his keys. He's pretty forgetful. However, when I opened it, the auburn-haired male leaned his arm against the doorframe.

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