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chapter twenty | bring it.

"Hey," Dad greeted me without opening my door

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"Hey," Dad greeted me without opening my door. I eventually had to tell him about Renjun, but thankfully, he believed the glossed-over version of it. "I'm going to work. If your friends come over, let them in, okay? And make sure to go out for a bit, and also eat. I'll be back a little late, as always."

"'Kay," I croaked, not bearing to make too much effort. "See you later."

"...See you," He cleared his throat, and after a minute or so, I heard the door close. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, seeing the dozens of missed calls that ranged from Taeyong, Chaewon, Yuta, and the rest of the Neos to even a call from Sakura. What surprised me, oddly, was no call from Donghyuck, though I oddly wanted one from him most. I get it, though, because when you're mourning, it's difficult to reach out. Many cope differently.

However, amid the flood of calls was a text message. It was from an unknown number, but his name at the end said everything.

'I hope you're doing okay. Let's meet when you're done mourning.

- Minho.'

I chuckled a bit at it. Although he was such a serious person, I guess it's evident that Minho can separate those kinds of feelings when he cares. The scene he made in the hospital gave me the hunch, but the text confirmed it. I guess even borrowing his car and not having him break me in half could've been a factor too.

I got up, tying my hair back as I pressed my phone to my ear. "Hello? Minho?"

"God, I texted you two days ago, and you're already picking up? I thought it would take you a week," Minho complained, defeating my polite purpose. "I suppose you're calling me because you'd like to talk now, right?"

"Correct," I cleared my throat, putting my jacket over my tank top. "I'm ready to meet you now. You know that breakfast place right down the street from your mansion?"

"...Yes, I do, but it scares me that you know it."

"I'll meet you there. Don't worry about how I know," I teased, ending the call. Quickly, I called a taxi, and in at least half an hour, I made it just in time.

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