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chapter forty-seven | overdrive.

chapter forty-seven | overdrive

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A month has passed by.

A month of lament, of guilt, of hatred. We attended his funeral, and we saw him planted in this grave. We saw people like Chaeyoung not cry a single tear, but for the first time, I witnessed Minho crying. We put away the feud for three hours of solemnness, for a man's life who was never supposed to end yet. Then, we returned to deeper hatred than before, beyond guns and racing.

It's not that we returned to hating each other.

We hated ourselves for letting it get this far.

I sat in front of Wooyoung's grave with Donghyuck to my side, his jacket on the brick to protect me from getting dirty. "So much has happened, Wooyoung, you wouldn't believe me if I said it now!" I laughed, heart tightening. "Jaemin and Karina told me they've been dating for almost three months now, and it's still a secret, unfortunately. Only Donghyuck and I know–and now, you. And also, Felix went to therapy after you left. Felix told me that he needed some time away, so don't be mad that he couldn't attend your funeral. Now, he's back."

Donghyuck stared at me, but I couldn't spare him a glance. "I've also taken care of Chaeyoung for you. You'd be surprised, but she quit racing with the Luminaries after you left–I think quit street racing fully. I've been taking care of her like you asked. She lives with me and my dad now, and although Dad's a little concerned about having to take care of another girl on top of me and Chaewon, who occasionally stays over, he said he really enjoys her company. I think I'll try and convince her to be a Neo, but I'm sure she'll decline. She told me not too long ago that some things just fade."

I paused, hands fiddling in my lap. "I haven't seen Minho in a while. I asked everyone where he might be, but they didn't know either. He apparently goes out every night, doing something, and I want to know what it is. Maybe you can bring me to him, Wooyoung. I trust that you're still around, anyway."


"How's Renjun, Jisung, and Jeno doing?" I ignored Donghyuck's pleas to end this, but I couldn't. Being the only one he bothered telling... I must hold onto the last little threads I had of him. "To be honest, I wasn't going to ask, but you'd probably have an answer. I know you asked me to move forward, but god damn it's hard. I keep thinking about it, over and over again, almost as if it taunts me."

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