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chapter forty-nine | come find me.

"Taeyong?" I knocked, but somehow, the door was already open

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"Taeyong?" I knocked, but somehow, the door was already open. I fully came through with a cup of tea, closing and locking the door behind me. His apartment was practically silent, only the sound of hushed breathing heard in the vicinity. I almost walked right past him if it wasn't for his noticeable hair, arms still on the couch. He stared at a black screen, blinking briefly, not sparing me a moment to get his attention. "God, you're a wreck."

That surely got his attention. Looking up for a moment, his eyes went down to the tea, shifting on the couch. I took that as an invitation to sit next to him, passing him the tea. Somehow obliging, he took it from my hands, taking a sip almost immediately. "Doing okay?"

"Not at all," Taeyong answered honestly, almost like it wasn't the fucking obvious. Sorry, I get mad at myself sometimes. I asked him such a stupid question. "I don't think I'll get the circuit fixed until this shit's all over. Haechan mentioned that they wanted to do it there, anyway."

"You don't find it odd?"

"Odd in what way...?"

"That they blew up your circuit but still had the intention of racing in it," Taeyong didn't reply, so I continued. "Maybe because Yeosang only did it for love. You really beat him to a pulp."

"I would've killed him if I knew any better," He muttered, taking another sip. "I do find it odd, their motives and their thoughts, but I would've done the same if shit had come to that kind of situation–well, for different reasoning. The point is, I'll be seething most of those bitches until the day I die. They just don't think unless their fucking leader is around."

I listened intently, but that seemed to be the end of Taeyong's rant. Pursing his lips, he turned his head fully, cup in his lap. "What are you coming to see me for? Just to check on me since I've been cooped up in my little apartment for a few days?" I nodded wordlessly. "Well, there's your update, then. Chaewon went to work, but she's been out of it, too. I'm sure you at least know that. I've been consoling her though, so don't worry. She won't be sad for much longer."

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