Chapter Seven

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"Selig? You awake?"

"Mmmm... barely, but yes."

Celia lifted her head from his shoulder. They were lying on the floor in the dining area, near the stereo, just listening to the radio. It was dusk, so they both must have dozed off at some point.

Her head ached. Her eyes felt puffy. But at the same time, she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her. For seven long years, she wondered why Selig had just left and now she knew. He was as scared as she had been, only he didn't have the luxury of admitting it at the time.

The carpet was soft, with a faint hint of the lavender deodorizer she used when she vacuumed and as they lay there, it reminded her of when they were younger and they used to listen to music in Selig's bedroom. Of course, he didn't have to get up to change the CD. He only had to wave his hand, which was convenient at times.

Her stomach growled. The salad still stood on the counter, untouched and probably wilted. Oh, well. She didn't really care.

Selig rose onto his elbow, peering down at her through heavy-lidded eyes. "What's up, Ce?"

"Lia and do you want to go get something to eat?" She rubbed her eyes with one hand, wincing as she drew back her hand to find it smeared with eyeliner and probably mascara. She probably looked like a roadkill raccoon at the moment.

He grinned. "You did promise me boardwalk food. Funnel cake sounds real good right about now."

"You still haven't gotten over that addiction, have you? I remember coming down here with you guys one summer and you ate your body weight in funnel cake. You and your dad."

"You can't get good funnel cake in Asgard. Not even when I make it myself."

"Palace life must be rough, huh?"

"When I go home, I'll bring you and you can see for yourself."

"Your dad will let me come to Asgard? You told me Asgardians weren't fond of Midgardians coming to visit."

He pulled his hand through his hair, dragging the thick waves away from his face. For all the good it did. As soon as he moved his hand, his hair fell exactly where it had been a moment earlier. "I think so. He and Mom like you, so you have that in your favor."

"So, I've got an in with the Asgardian Royal family." She grinned up at him. "Sweet."

"But first I have to figure out how to get back into their good graces, so it might be a while. Like thirty or forty years."

"I highly doubt that."

As she went to roll away from him, Selig slid his arm about her waist and pulled her flush against him. "Where are you going?"

"I have to shower. I'm a train wreck."

"You're beautiful, Ce. Just like always."

"Ugh." She made a gagging sound. "I think I just threw up in my mouth a little."

He chuckled, his hand flat against her belly. "Come here."

She relaxed against him, letting him gently ease her onto her back. "What?"

He shifted, bracing one hand over her left shoulder, the other over her right, and smiled down at her. "I like how you look under me, Ce."


He winked. "Ce."

That wink sent a funny shiver racing along her spine. "You aren't ever going to call me anything else, are you?"

Son of Mischief (Loki/Asgard Fanfiction - Selig's Story)Where stories live. Discover now