Chapter Forty-Three

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Celia sat up with a start, groaning at the dull ache creeping along the right side of her neck from her position against the pillar. How the hell did she fall asleep and not topple off the ledge?

She slowly swung her legs over, rubbing her neck as she eased down. It'd been a long time since she last thought about that first time with Selig. He didn't know it was her first time, and yet somehow, he still made it special for her.

She kept it from him because she didn't want him to use it as an excuse to put a stop to things, since they weren't exactly a couple. And she still wondered what would have happened if he hadn't panicked the next morning.

The pale morning sunlight sparkled off her engagement ring and she smiled. Somehow, she didn't think she'd be in Asgard, planning their wedding. There were only a few high school sweetheart couples she knew who'd gotten married. Of the five pairs, only one was still married. The odds just wouldn't have been in their favor.

"Celia?" Aislinn's voice floated out to the terrace.

"I'm out here," she replied, wincing as she tried to turn her head. "Ow."

Aislinn stepped out onto the terrace in time to hear Celia's groan. "What's the matter?"

"I fell asleep against the pillar. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I only have a stiff neck and not a broken one from falling out of the palace."

"You can't fall." Aislinn moved around to stand behind her. "My father put an enchantment of sorts around the palace perimeter. My mother used to doze off all the time on the ledge outside their chambers and he was terrified she would fall, so he made it so no one had to worry about it."

"That's good to know." Celia stiffened as Aislinn lifted the hair away from her nape. "What're you doing?"

"I told you, my mother does this all the time. Stiff necks are easy to get rid of, if you know how and Eir taught me."

With that, Aislinn poked the knotted muscle. "Here?"


"Guess so. Sorry about that."

"It's okay. I think."

Aislinn's fingers gently kneaded the kinked muscle and little by little, the stiffness faded. Celia's eyes closed as relief swept through her. "Oh, thank you, Al. That feels so much better."

"No problem." Aislinn came around to smile at her. "Selig knows how to do it, too, and you'll probably enjoy it more when it's him doing it."

"I saw him last night."

Aislinn sank onto the ledge. "I'm not surprised. My father made him promise to check in. He's leery of Sel and Nicky being on Svartalfheim."

Celia sat beside her and nodded. "He told me about your family's history with the Dark Elves."

"Our history with everyone is a little sketchy at times. My dad..." Aislinn sighed, rolling her eyes. "He was trouble back in the day."

"Most guys are in some way." Celia ran a hand through her hair. "Although, I think your dad would win the prize for being the most trouble."

"Yeah. Midgard has no idea how much it owes my mother. There should be monuments built in her honor."

"Somehow, I don't think she'd be comfortable with that."

"No. She just wants to be left alone. She hates publicity. She's not even entirely comfortable being queen and she's had two decades to get used to it." Aislinn shook her shiny black bangs out of her eyes. "What about you, Ce? Are you ready to marry into this lunatic family?"

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