Chapter Fifty-Seven

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The coach rocked along the cobbled streets of Asgard and Celia sighed as Selig pulled away, then tugged her up and into his arms. "I missed you last night."

"Tell me about it." He flexed his left hand, the stones in his wedding band throwing off sunlight in brilliant flashes. "Much as I love my brother, I'd have rather spent last night naked with you." He leaned over to brush her lips with another kiss. "What did you end up doing?"

"I sat and gossiped with your sisters, Trina, and Meg." She reached up to touch the earring dangling from her left earlobe. "Thank you, Selig. They are beautiful."

"You're welcome, sweetheart. I wanted to give them to you in person, but since no one was letting me near you... well... I had to have D deliver them."

"He's such a sweet man, Sel. Did he--"

Before she could finish, Selig reached beneath his tunic and carefully extracted the delicate gold chain around his neck. "Grapes. Perfect." He kissed her again. It started out gentle, but he tugged her into his lap and she shivered as his tongue touched hers. The baby kicked soundly, which made her gasp and Selig chuckled. "You okay, Ce?"

"I think so." She rubbed the spot on her belly, then slid her arms about his neck. "Selig?"


"Do you want to know what we're having?"

He rolled his eyes. "Let me guess. Kyra?"

She nodded, threading her fingers through his hair where it peeked out beneath the edge of his helmet. "Do you want to know?"

He looked up at her with soft blue eyes. "Do I?"

"I don't know. I won't tell you if you don't."

He sighed softly. "Tell me."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, okay." She caught his chin in one hand to tilt his face to hers, and they both winced as his horns struck the coach ceiling. "Sorry."

"Here. Wait a minute." Selig wrestled the helmet off, letting it topple onto the bench as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I hate wearing that damn thing."

"Whenever you're ready."

Sliding his arms about her waist again, he smiled. "Lay it on me, Midgardian."

"We're having a little boy." She brought her thumb to her lips, nibbling at the cuticle as Selig's eyes widened and then a slow smile stretched his lips.

"A boy, Ce?"

She nodded, lowering her hand to curve about her belly. "A boy."

"A son."


"Damn..." His eyes sparkled as he pulled her down to meet his lips, his hand coming to rest atop hers. "We're having a boy, sweetheart."

"I know. Pretty cool, huh?"

"I love you," he whispered, his lips brushing hers.

She tightened her arms about his neck. "I love you, too."

His hand found its way beneath her skirt, skimming along her thigh, his palm and fingers cool against her bare skin. She broke the kiss, whispering, "Selig..."

"What, beautiful girl?" he asked, a hint of laughter in his voice as those fingertips brushed her inner thigh. "We're married and you're already pregnant. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Um... it's a glass coach and I really would hate to give the Asgardians a free show. Never mind I don't really want anyone else a; seeing my husband naked and b; seeing me have sex with him."

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