Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The tavern was loud and crowded and that was just fine with Selig. He needed the distraction and the woman sitting on his leg was certainly providing that.

"What did you say your name was again, sweetheart?" he called over the din.

She smiled, her blue eyes glinting in the low candlelight. "Bryn."

"Bryn." He winked. "Beautiful."

A tankard of ale appeared before him and he looked up at the pretty blonde serving girl and winked again. "Thank you, darling."

"Selig, why don't we go somewhere a little quieter?" Bryn suggested, draping her arms about his neck.

"Somewhere like where, sweetheart?" He lifted the tankard and drained it in one long swallow.

She leaned over, her lips brushing his neck, just below his ear. He set down the tankard with a little more force as a dart of pleasure zinged through him. "Do that again, sweetheart, and I'll go anywhere you like."

She threaded her fingers through his hair and he let his eyes close as she whispered, "My flat is not far from here. And I live alone."

"Do you? That's too bad."


He leaned back and grinned. "I like company."


"Ah-ah," he held up a teasing finger, "that's Prince Selig, thank you very much."

She leaned into him, pressing flat against him as she murmured, "I like a man who takes charge."

"Then I am the man for you, sweetheart." He gave her a squeeze. She was tall and lithe, all long arms and legs, like a colt. She wasn't exactly beautiful, but she wasn't a hag, either.

She'd do.

"Let's go, Bryn." He eased her off his lap. "Show me to your bed, honey."

"With pleasure, my prince."

She caught him by the hand and drew him to his feet. Selig stumbled, but caught himself immediately, and followed her out into the darkness.

Bryn turned to tug him against her and seized his lips in a damp kiss meant to entice. But the moment her lips touched his, he jerked back. They were the wrong lips. On the wrong face. Attached to the wrong body.

She wasn't a tiny Midgardian in fantastic shape, with soft, full lips in the most beautiful face he'd ever seen.

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" Bryn purred, trying to pull him close again.

"No. Stop."

"I've no wish to stop."

As she angled toward him again, he pushed her away. "I said, stop."


He lurched to the side as she tried one last time, and this time, he groaned as he heard his father say, "Take your hands from my son and be on your way."

Bryn sniffed and turned to flounce away, while Selig sagged back against the rough stone tavern wall. "If you've come to lecture me, Dad, don't waste your breath."

"I wouldn't." Loki glared at him, shaking his head. "When you decided to be an idiot, you do not go halfway, do you?"

"I'm not in the mood tonight, if it's all the same to you."

"That's too bad, Selig, because you're going to listen." Loki grabbed him by the upper arm and marched him away from the tavern, along the narrow cobbled road leading to the palace. "Are you trying to ruin everything?"

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