Chapter Fifteen

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Selig glanced over at her as she steered through the heavy shore traffic toward Seaside Heights. "So, who are these people?"

"I work with Trina and her boyfriend's name is Brad. I don't know who else is coming, though." She downshifted into first as traffic slowed, then jammed on the brakes as a family of pink-skinned tourists just stepped out to cross Thirty-Five. "It's a wonder I haven't hit anyone yet."

She hated the summer traffic, but at the same time, so many livelihoods depended on them, especially in the seasons following Superstorm Sandy, which devastated this part of the state, and then there was the massive fire at Funtown Pier the year after Sandy. The Jersey shore took quite a beating in recent years, and she was happy to see it finally coming back.

"What did you tell them about me? You never answered me."

"I didn't?" She looked over at him as he shook his head. "Oh, well, I told Trina you were Loki's son."

"She knows who my father is?"

"Selig, we all know who he is. It's taught in school now."

He groaned, leaning his head back against the headrest. "Wonderful."

"Don't worry about it. We all know he's a good guy now. And either way, Trina was already drooling over the prospect of meeting a prince."

He rolled his eyes. "Did you tell her the prince is spoken for already?"

"Hell yes." She lifted her hand from the gearshift knob to rest on his thigh, which was solid when she squeezed it. "But, are you?"

"Hell, yes." His hand came down atop hers. "I've been spoken for since I was three. I just didn't realize it until recently." As he spoke, he stroked his thumb along the side of her hand. "But like I said last night, you've had my heart since I was a kid, Ce."

"I like how that sounds," she murmured, turning her hand palm up to lace her fingers with his. He winked and brought her hand up to his lips.

She eased the Jeep into a parking space and pulled her hand from his to climb out. She spotted Trina's black Acura and as Selig came around to catch her hand, she gave his a squeeze. "Ready?"


Chase's was already alive with people and music and as she tried to push her way through, those people didn't seem to want to move. Selig brushed by her and just by his size, parted the crowds. Peering at her over one shoulder, he said, "Do you see your friend?"

"In the corner. Black hair. Orange top."

"Got it." He steered through the swarms of people until they reached the table in the corner and Celia tucked her arm through his as Trina smiled up at them.

"Hey, Lia!" she called, rising from her chair to hold out her hand. "Selig, right? I'm Trina!"

Selig nodded, taking her hand. "Nice to meet you!" he shouted over the music.

"This is Brad," Celia said, as Brad stood. He was tall and skinny, but seemed dwarfed by Selig.

Brad pushed his wire-rimmed glasses up his nose and held out a hand. "Good to meet you, Selig!"

"Yeah. You, too!" Selig turned to Celia. "Is it always so loud in here?"

She bit the inside of her cheek. She forgot about his sensitivity to loud noises. "Hey, guys, can we go sit out on the patio? I've got a headache and this music isn't helping."

"Sure!" Trina shouted. "Robyn and Sophie are supposed to be coming, but I'll text them and tell them to find us outside."

Selig gave her hand a squeeze as Trina and Brad gathered up their things and they made their way out around to the side of the building, where the music was far softer. He leaned over, his lips brushing her ear as he murmured, "Thank you, sweetheart."

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