Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"I can't believe you didn't warn me about this."

Selig smiled as Celia stared at the clutter of gifts that now took over half of their chambers. He didn't even know what half of that stuff was, or what it was used for. It must be a girl thing, because Celia, who had no experience with children of any sort, seemed to know exactly what each and every item was for.

"I told you, my mother threatened to geld me." He picked up a hanger holding five teeny little body suits. "What are these for?"

"They're onesies. Babies pretty much live in them the first six months or so." She smiled, tossing her hair out of her eyes. "Aren't they cute?"

He eyed them. They were green or yellow, with sayings stitched across their fronts, such as Mommy's Little Angel and Daddy's Best Friend. "If you say so."

"I do. And your mother is not about to geld you, Sel," she told him, taking the onesies back to set in the small white laundry basket that practically overflowed with clothes.

"I think she was serious. Somehow, I don't think she had a baby shower of her own, so she's kind of living vicariously through you."

"That's sad. Why not?"

He shrugged, picking up something that looked like something out of a nightmare. "Probably because she was here, I was early, and Asgardians don't know anything about showers. And what is this?" He held the contraption out to her.

"That, my dear, is a breast pump."

"Oh, dear gods, Ce. It looks like something used to torture someone." He eyed it carefully. "How does it work?"

She grinned. "I put my boob in here," she pointed to the breastshield, "and then flip the switch and..."

As she spoke, she turned the pump on and he couldn't help shudder. "That's going to suck your breast right off, Ce."

"No, it won't. Don't worry." She switched the pump back off and set it on the table. "Sel?"


"You are going to be in the delivery room with me, aren't you?"

His gut twisted at the thought, but he forced it into submission as he said, "Do you want me there?"

"Of course I do."

"Then I'll be there." He caught her by the hand, lacing his fingers with hers. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll be there with you the whole way through."

"Good. You get a little green whenever the subject comes up."

"I'm a little nervous," he admitted, drawing her down onto his lap. He slid his arms about her waist, smiling as he felt a foot--or maybe an elbow--press into his arm. "I don't know if I'll be able to watch you in so much pain."

"I'm sure Eir will have something for pain."

"I don't know. You'd have to ask her or my mother."

She draped her arms about his neck. By now, she was even rounder and he was convinced her Midgardian pregnancy test was wrong. She looked almost full-term and glowed as if lit from within. Her eyes practically sparkled. With each day, even as she grew rounder, she grew even more beautiful.

Now, she cocked her head slightly to the side. "What is it? You're staring at me."

"You're stunning, Ce. Do you know that?" He eased one hand beneath her loose tunic, let his fingers graze along her warm back. "Absolutely, stunningly beautiful."

A soft blush rose to her cheeks. "Thank you."

He held her gaze, his breath hitching as she leaned in and caught his lips in a soft kiss. Her fingers slid through his hair and when she pulled back, she had that look in her eyes. The one he knew so well and usually led to their bed.

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