Chapter Sixty-Two

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Celia stood over the bassinet, gazing down on her son as he slept. She couldn't help herself. It was just so much to take in, that he was actually there. That the beautiful little boy with headful of thick black fuzz was actually hers.

Her gaze went to Selig, who sat out on the ledge, head back against a golden pillar, eyes closed, his dark hair blowing lightly in the breeze, and smiled. It was so hard to believe she and the man out on the terrace could create such a perfect little person. How was that possible?

And Alexander was, without a doubt, the most beautiful baby in all nine realms. He yawned, cooing in his sleep, and scrunched around until he was comfortable. As he did, he kicked off his light blanket, Celia tugged it back up, smoothing a hand over that silky black fuzz. "As handsome as your daddy," she murmured.

With that, she tightened her sapphire blue silk robe and padded out to the terrace, where she sank onto the ledge, facing Selig as she leaned against the next pillar. Selig didn't stir, didn't open his eyes, didn't say a word and she realized he was asleep. Well, he had been up with her all night.

Drawing her knees up to her chest, she rested her chin on them and just gazed over at him. Selig Lokison. Her best friend. Her husband. The father of her child.

The love of her life.

A soft sigh came to her lips. She and Selig had known each other for so long, leaned on each other for so many years, told each other everything--even when one didn't realize how much it hurt the other to hear it.

"So, how was your hot date?" Celia couldn't resist teasing Selig, nudging him with her shoulder as they sat on the front porch at his house. His dad and Aislinn were in the driveway, washing Loki's Mustang, only instead of using magic, they used the traditional Midgardian method of a bucket, Turtle Wax wash, two huge sponges and the garden hose.

Selig grinned. "It was fine. You sure you want to hear it?"

"Do I? Don't tell me--" she paused dramatically, one hand on his shoulder, the other pressed to her own chest--"she wouldn't kiss you goodnight."

"Funny." He glanced over at his father and sister, then looked back at her and her belly did the oddest twist at the seriousness in his eyes. "Let's go inside, Ce."

He didn't wait for her to answer, but stood up and opened the front door. She followed him, that weird twist still kinking her belly. Somehow, she knew she didn't want to hear whatever it was that happened on his and Amanda's date.

McKenna called out a hello as they passed by the family room, and Celia managed to say hi back, but her feeling of dread worsened as she made her way upstairs and down the hallway to Selig's room.

It was a typical teenage boy's room--with posters of bands, expensive sports cars, and half-naked girls in bikinis on the wall--but it was also very neat. Much neater than her own room, anyway.

He flopped facedown across the queen-sized bed and without preamble, said, "I got laid last night, Ce."

It was a good thing she'd already sat cross-legged next to him, because if she hadn't, she'd probably have fallen over. Her mouth went strangely dry, although she managed to croak, "What?"

He looked over at her. "Amanda."

She wanted to throw up. "You and Amanda"

Although she knew that's exactly what he meant, it still stung like anything when he nodded. "In the back of her Bug, if you can believe that."

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