Chapter Thirty-Four

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Celia dozed off just after they got onto Route 78 and when she opened her eyes again, they were on Route 34 in Colts Neck. She sat up, rubbing her neck. "Damn... what time is it?"

"Almost three." Selig's hand rested on the gearshift, his long fingers relaxed over it. "I was beginning to wonder if you were asleep or dead."

She smiled, still rubbing the kink in her neck where it met her right shoulder. "I think I might have died. I don't remember the last time I fell asleep in the middle of the day."

"It's been a long few weeks."

"You ain't kidding." Her gaze went to his hand on the shift. He had the biggest hands she'd ever seen on a guy, large and square, with elegant, tapering fingers. The beautiful hands of a pianist on the body of a giant. Hands that had been trained to kill, no doubt, but also hands that were gentle, hands that knew how to give pleasure, hands that knew exactly how to touch, to stroke and tease, and make her melt from the inside out.

He lifted that hand from the knob and as it came to rest on her thigh, she got alternately warm and cool at the same time. Sometimes she forgot he wasn't a normal Midgardian man. "Selig?"

He glanced over at her. "What?"

"Do you think your dad's going to be upset that we're together?"

"Why would he?"

"Well..." She traced the back of his hand with her forefinger, moving along a vein leading to the base of his middle finger. "I know bloodlines are important in royal families and any children we have will be more Midgardian than they will be Jötunn."

"I don't think it'll matter much." His fingers tightened about her thigh, sending a chill rocketing through her. "We'll just have to hope they fall in love with either Asgardians or Jötunns to keep it from being completely eradicated from the bloodline."

He winked and gave her another squeeze. "Don't worry about it, Ce. Don't look for a reason to make them not like you because it's a lost cause. They like you. Like I told you, my mother's been hoping for this since we were kids."

That assuaged some of her worry. It was always infinitely easier when your future mother-in-law liked you to begin with. "Really?"

"Really. She thinks you get me." His thumb brushed over the outside of her left thigh. "That you understand me."

"I do understand you, Sel. More or less."

"Sweetheart," he glanced over at her as he pushed in the clutch and downshifted to second as traffic slowed, "you know me better than anyone in all nine realms. You always have."

She sighed, lifting his hand from her leg to bring to her lips. "That's because you were fun to play with. When we got bored enough, you could just make things appear."

He lifted his forefinger to graze her cheek with it. "Just think what I can make appear now, Ce."

She shivered at the teasing growl in his voice. "Could be interesting."

Her cellphone rang, cutting him off mid-chuckle, and she bent to retrieve her purse from the floor, digging the iPhone from its compartment. Trina. "Hey, Trin, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm on Thirty-Four just outside of Wall. We went up to my mom's. Why?"

"Can you stop by the gym on your way home? I need to talk to you."

"Yeah. We can, I guess." She switched her phone to the other ear. "Is Danny there?"

"No. He's at the other one today. Why?"

Son of Mischief (Loki/Asgard Fanfiction - Selig's Story)Where stories live. Discover now