Chapter Fifty-Five

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Celia's stomach churned but for the first time in days, it had nothing to do with the baby. She and Selig stood outside the ballroom, where their reception would be held tomorrow. Tonight, however, it would see them welcome the guests who'd traveled across the universe in order to attend their wedding.

Selig covered her hand with his. "Stop shaking, Ce. This is supposed to be fun, remember?"

"I can't help it," she told him, tightening her hold on his forearm. "I hate being stared at."

"You should be used to it by now. Guys have been staring at you since you were thirteen years old, sweetheart."

"Yeah." She rolled her eyes. "Of course they were."

"Ce," he turned toward her and grinned, "just because you didn't notice them looking doesn't mean they weren't looking. Trust me. We all stared."

"Even you?"

His grin widened. "Even me. You were the first girl we knew who needed a bra, Ce. You should only know how many thirteen year old boys fantasized about you."

She cocked her head to the left and narrowed her eyes at him. "Even you, Sel?"

To his credit, a hint of color rose in his cheeks. "Even me, beautiful girl."

This was a surprise. Up until he kissed her under the mistletoe, she didn't even think Selig noticed she was a girl. It wasn't until prom night that she thought he entertained any erotic thoughts about her. "What did you think?"

His blush deepened. "Let's just say I thought, okay?"

She couldn't resist teasing him. Slipping her arms about his waist, she gave him a squeeze. "Come on, Selig, what did you think?" She inched her fingers beneath his dark gray tunic, letting them trail along his solid back. "Did you lay in bed, wondering what I looked like when I got undressed at night?"

"Ce..." His eyes closed and a low sigh rose to his lips. "Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea... that was only the beginning."

He sucked in a sharp breath as she dragged her fingernails down his back and pushed up on her toes to whisper, "And did your hands begin to wander, Sel? Did they slide down, over your hips, down to your co--"

"You're killing me, Celia." His whisper was raw and husky.

"I hope I live up to the fantasy, Selig," she murmured, brushing his ear with a light, teasing kiss.

"Beautiful girl, you blow those fantasies clear out of the water." His voice sounded more normal now, although it was still a little husky.

"Good answer."

He slid an arm about her waist and gave her a gentle squeeze. "I mean every word of it, sweetheart. You rock my world."

She smiled, tucking her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head. "If you're finished making me blush, we should probably go in."

"I love when you blush," she told him, pulling back to peer up at him. "You get really red."

He gazed down at her, mischief dancing in his blue eyes. "Just remember, I can make you blush just as easily, Ce. All I have to do is whisper," he lowered his voice, made it husky and breathless, and whispered, "Harder, Selig... oh, god... faster, Sel... Christ, you feel so good, Selig... Oh, yes, right there... there... SELIG!"

"Selig!" She clapped her hands to her face, which now felt hot.

"Told you." His laugh came soft against her cheek as he brushed it with his lips. "And now we're both red-faced."

Son of Mischief (Loki/Asgard Fanfiction - Selig's Story)Where stories live. Discover now