Chapter Thirty-One

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Celia ducked at the last minute, jerking out of his reach. "What the-what're you doing?"

"Oh, come on, Lia... you aren't going to try to tell me you don't feel this."

She skirted the edge of the counter, which ran in a giant L that backed the stairs leading up to the free weights and aerobics area. As she ducked around the side, she caught her hip on the corner and winced. "Danny, knock it off. You're married and I'm not interested."

"Really? You expect me to believe that?" He came around after her. "Just like I'm supposed to believe that crap about you and the son of a god? I'd have to be mental to believe any of it."

She shook her head. "I don't care if you believe it or not. Ask Trina. She met him."

"Uh-huh. Come on, Lia. How many nights have I let you cry on my shoulder over this loser or that one? I think you owe me."

"I owe you? What the fuck for? Because I thought you were a friend?" She glanced at the counter by the check-in computer, where she'd left her keys.

The counter was empty.

Danny smiled as he held them up. "If you want them back..."

"Give me my keys, Danny. Now."

He jangled them. "Then give me what I want."

She could only stare at him. Who was this guy? The Danny she knew was happily married, with three cute little kids, and never gave any indication whatsoever that he was attracted to her.

"Are you drunk?"

He shook his head. "No. Why?"

"Because-you know, never mind. Give me my fucking keys before I call the cops."

"And tell them what?"


"Lia." He snorted, then slammed the keys onto the marble counter. "Take them. You're probably not worth it anyway."

She made a face at him. "Slide them down here."

He did and she caught them easily. "Get the fuck out of my gym, Lia. And don't come back."

"As if I would." She grasped the keys tighter as she turned to head down the stairs. "Go fuck yourself, Danny."

She never heard him move, but a second later, he hit her from behind. The keys went flying as she sprawled across the industrial pink and gray carpeting. "Ooof!"

Danny pressed down against her and she wanted to throw up at the feeling of him poking her in the back. Ew. "Get. Off. Me."

He lifted her ponytail and she winced as he dragged his lips along the back of her neck. "Lia... you won't be sorry."

She elbowed him as hard as she could, catching him just beneath the ribs. Air rushed from his lungs as he rolled off her and she rolled onto her back, then got to her feet. "Touch me again, and I swear to God I'll fucking castrate you, Danny."

He dragged in a ragged breath and slowly sat up. "You're right, Lia. I'm sorry." A sheepish look crept over his face. "I-I don't know what I was thinking."

She moved to swipe up her keys. "I don't know either, Danny. But you just better stay away from me. Got it?"

He nodded, slowly rising to his feet. "I'm sorry. It's just that... you're so pretty and funny... and everyone likes you... And I'm sorry if I mistook friendship for something more."

She stared at him. He sounded so sincere, but at the same time, her gut told her to just leave, to put as much distance between her and him as possible. "You can go write me my last check, Danny, and I'll be on my way."

Son of Mischief (Loki/Asgard Fanfiction - Selig's Story)Where stories live. Discover now