Chapter Sixty

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Over the next week, every time Celia so much as sighed, someone jumped up and asked if she needed Eir. She didn't, and although she appreciated the concern, it grew very tiring. She'd seen Eir, and as Selig suspected, the pregnancy test she'd taken on Midgard had most likely given her a false negative. According to the Healer, she was probably a good four weeks further into her pregnancy than originally thought.

Celia sighed as she lay on Eir's table, about ten days after her and Selig's wedding, and stared up at the misty golden webbing surrounding her. Selig sat at her side, on the other side of the webbing, and he smiled down at her. "You look nervous, Ce. Don't be. This won't hurt."

"I know, but it's still a little freaky," she said, her gaze going to Eir, who was calm and serene as her slender fingers threaded through the webbing here and there, moving it, stretching it, rearranging it. "What are you doing?"

"Just making certain all is well." Eir smiled down at her. "Would you like to see what your son looks like?"

Selig slipped his hand through the webbing, his fingers lacing with hers. "I do."

Nodding, Celia smiled up at the Healer. "Yeah, I think I do."

Eir's amber eyes softened as she wiggled her fingers and Celia stared in awe at the image forming above her.

"Sel," she whispered, unable to take her eyes off the image. "Are you seeing this?"

His hand tightened about hers. "I am, beautiful girl. I am."

Her eyes misted over at the almost perfect image of their son's face as the baby floated above them. He was sucking his thumb, and the details were so fine, she could see the shadow of hair along his head and his fingers and toes. As he pulled his thumb from his mouth, he stretched and Celia gasped as a knee--and this time, she knew it was a knee--jabbed into her side.

"Selig," her voice broke as a tear slipped from the corner of her eye, "oh, my God..."

"He's perfect, sweetheart. Absolutely beautiful and perfect."

Seeing their unborn son was the single most amazing thing Celia had ever experienced and words failed her as she just watched. The baby twitched. Once. Twice. A third time. And each time he did, Celia felt a vibration ripple through her.

He had the hiccups.

She couldn't hold back her laugh. "You've got to be kidding, little man. Hiccups? Really?"

Selig reached through the webbing to stroke her hair. "I love you."

She tore her eyes from the baby to gaze up at him. "I love you, too, Selig."

Eir's hands went still and the webbing disappeared. "Everything looks fine, Princess. I think you should expect to go into labor any time in the next few days."

Selig helped her sit, since anymore, she was like a turtle on its back. "When I do, do you have something like an epidural?"

Eir looked at her. "A what?"

"An epidural." Celia glanced over at Selig, and then looked back at Eir. "It's something they give to women in labor to make the pain more bearable." At the Healer's blank stare, Celia sighed. "No, I guess you don't."

"Women here usually do not require anything of that sort," Eir explained. "But, if you need it, I am certain I can--"

"No, that's okay." Celia shook her head. If Asgardian women didn't need an epidural, she wouldn't, either. At least, she hoped she wouldn't. The thought of a natural childbirth scared her to death, but she'd rather die than admit that to Selig or Eir. "I'll be fine."

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