Chapter Forty-Nine

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By morning, the rain had stopped and when Celia burrowed out from beneath the covers, it was to a glorious, sun-splashed morning.

She stretched. "Sel, what time is it?"

No reply.

"Sel?" She sat up, letting the covers pool about her hips. She was alone. Selig's side of the bed was rumpled, but empty. "Uh-oh. Maybe his mother found out."

A gentle knock sounded and Derek called, "My lady, may I come in?"

"Uh... just a minute!" She dove back beneath the covers, burrowing down to the foot of the bed, where her jammy pants and camisole lay all wadded up. Clawing her way back out, she jumped up to tug on the pants. "I'll be there in just..." The camisole gave her trouble, twisting as she tried to yank it down, "hold... damn it!"

"Take your time, Lady Celia. It's quite all right."

She yanked the camisole into place and fluffed her hair as she hurried to the door to open it. Hopefully her cheeks weren't nearly as red as they felt. "Sorry about that."

"It's quite all right. Prince Selig thought you might need some coffee. He said you were caught in last night's rain. Terribly dreadful weather to be out in."

"I know. Tell me about it." She smiled as he carried in a gleaming mahogany breakfast tray bearing not only coffee, but breakfast, if her nose wasn't lying to her. "Where is Sel--I mean, Prince Selig?"

"He is meeting with his grandfather. He said you are not to wait if you're hungry, but to go ahead and eat." Derek set the tray on the table on the terrace. "He said you only eat something called steel-cut oats, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruit, but if I might be so bold, you are so very thin, my lady. I took the liberty of adding a few things. I hope I've not overstepped."

She smiled as she saw the eggs and bacon and thickly sliced ham, toast, jam, butter along with the things Selig requested for her, and was touched by Derek's concern. "You haven't overstepped, Derek. Thank you."

He bowed stiffly. "If I might also suggest, Lady Sif made mention of a running partner if you were interested. And she also said something about trying to introduce a new regimen to her warriors, if you were interested in discussing that with her. Prince Selig made mention you are a personal trainer on Midgard? What is that?"

"I teach people how to exercise. And if Lady Sif is looking for a running buddy, I would love to join her."

"Wonderful." Derek smiled. "I will pass the word along and let you know when and where."

"Thank you, Derek. You are so sweet to me, you know that?" She crossed over to hug him, which seemed to surprise him because he stiffened, but then hesitantly returned it.

"I like you, my lady. I think you are good for the prince. He was... lost... until he found you again. And Her Highness has spoken very highly of you since you were but a child."

She stepped back. "Really?"

He nodded. "She and the king, my lady. The Odinson family is elated to have you become part of it."

"Odinson. Lokison. I don't get these names, Derek."

"It is customary to carry the name of your father. King Loki is the son of Odin. Odinson. Prince Selig is the son of Loki. Lokison."

"So, our children will be Seligson?"

"Boys will. Girls will be Seligdatter."

She rolled her eyes. "Oy. I think my head just exploded."

"You will understand in time."

"But when Selig was a kid, he went by Odinson as well."

"That was to make matters simpler for him and his siblings on Midgard. Here, we understand the tradition, so they use their correct surnames."

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