Chapter Twenty-Three

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After breakfast, which consisted of Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and raspberries stirred into it (Selig's magic came in handy, even in Asgard) and a cup of delicious coffee, Celia was ready to get her day started.

Selig, on the other hand, was a bit of a slow eater, even when his breakfast was only Honey-Nut Cheerios and coffee. He was too busy talking to his brother and sisters, and to the myriad of people who approached him to offer congratulations on his engagement and politely pepper Celia with a million different questions. Although McKenna was Midgardian and had been amongst them for twenty-five years, they all seemed to regard Celia as a new mystery. Some confessed to her that her name was familiar, as Selig had spoken of her when he was younger, but for the most part, the ones who didn't know her name, who hadn't heard of her, asked her the same questions. How did she meet Selig? How did she like Asgard? What did she do on Midgard?

By the time Selig finally finished eating and stood, she was more than ready to run away from the dining hall and never return. She couldn't wait until they all stopped watching her like an exhibit in a zoo.

"So," he was saying as he led her away from the dining hall, which was still quite crowded, and out onto the promenade, "what would you like to do today, sweetheart?"

"I don't know. What else haven't I seen?"

"There's plenty here you haven't seen." He sank onto the edge of the wide ledge and rested one hand on his thigh. "Where would you like to start?"

"Well, you said something yesterday about a silver waterfall."

He smiled. "The Sølvfoss. It's beautiful and the best part about it is that it's private. Not even Heimdall can see it."

"Sounds romantic."

He smiled. "It is. Unfortunately, my parents are feeling just as romantic. When they left, my father had that look he gets when he wants to spend some alone time with my mother."

Disappointment flashed through her, but she smiled as she said, "They still."

"They still." He reached to catch her hand, drawing her to stand in between his spread knees. "And they probably are even as we speak."

"Well, like I said, it's good to know there's that in our future."

"Sweetheart, as long as my heart beats to pump enough blood through my body, I will always want to fool around with you."

She eased her hand from his and brought both onto his shoulders. "Is that so?"

His hands came to rest just above her hips. "Definitely."

"Also good to know."

He gazed up at her, his eyes soft, his thumbs brushing along her sides. She still had the feeling something lay very heavily on his mind. An errant curl fell over his forehead and she lightly swept it away from his face. "What's the matter, Sel? You look like you've got one hell of a weight on your shoulders."

"Would you want to get married here? Or would you rather do it on Midgard?"

"I don't know, really. Part of me really likes the idea of doing it here because it's just so pretty and really, aside from Megan, there's no one else I care comes to it. But, part of me also feels that we should do it in Jersey, because it seems wrong not to include my mother as a guest, if nothing else."

"You want to have her there?"

"I don't-I don't know. I mean, I don't really want her there, but at the same time..." She sighed, shifting to sink onto his left thigh and leaned her head against his shoulder. "It's complicated, Sel. It has been my whole life."

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