Chapter Thirty

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Trina knocked on the door. "Well?"

"I can't look. Come in and read it for me."

"Tell me you aren't still on the bowl."

Celia managed to smile. "It's safe. I promise."

The door opened and Trina said, "On the counter here?"

Celia nodded, her back to both the counter and the door. She stared at the shower door without really seeing it. Instead, she saw Selig as he loomed over her that morning in the shower.

She almost sighed aloud as his hands came down into her hair. She'd never had anyone wash her hair before outside of a salon, Selig was gentle, working the shampoo carefully through her hair, saying, "Close your eyes," as he tilted her head back to rinse.

She did as she was told and warm water sluiced along her temples, over her ears, and this time, she did sigh as Selig's lips swept teasingly along her shoulder up into her neck. "Selig," she breathed, her knees threatening to buckle, "I don't have time for this..."

"Make time, beautiful girl," he murmured, crouching to gather her in his arms. He lifted her easily and shifted to press her back into the warm tiles.

Her legs came up around his waist and as he arched against her, she whispered, "Sel... wait..."

"Mmmm...." His tongue flicked against her collarbone, "I'll be careful, Celia. I promise you, I'll pull out in time. I won't come inside you. I just want to feel you against me."

She squeezed her eyes shut as she heard plastic tap against porcelain. "Well?"

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"


"Okay. Okay. Relax. You're not pregnant."

"What?" The disappointment surging up from the depths of her being was a surprise. She was disappointed??

"Take a look."

She spun about, snatching the test tick from Trina's hand. There, in tiny little letters, was the word NO and instead of the joy (not to mention relief) she thought she'd feel, all that reverberated through her was that crushing disappointment.

No baby.

She sighed, tears clouding her vision. "It's funny, Trin, but I was kind of hoping it would say yes."


With a shaky sigh, Celia sank onto the closed toilet, tossing the stick in the trash. "I wanted it to say yes. I'd already decided I was keeping the baby. It would've been Selig's baby. I couldn't have an abortion. I couldn't do that."

Trina moved to crouch before her, her dark eyes filled with concern. "You rethinking being so pissed at him?"

"I'm rethinking being so pissed at him." She propped her elbow on her thigh and rested her chin on her fist. "His sister was here, just before you got here."


"He's just as miserable as I am."

"So, go talk to him."

"I made such an ass of myself, Trina. I blew it all out of proportion, just like a jealous, insecure high school girl." She raked her hand through her curls, blowing several away as they tumbled into her eyes. "And why? Because he had a life before I came along? And you know what the kicker is, Trin?"

Trina shook her head and Celia let out a sharp, humorless laugh. "The maid who told me all of Selig's deep, dark, dirty secrets? She lied. Made the whole thing up."

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