Chapter Fifty-Two

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Wedding guests began arriving early the next morning. Selig heard the commotion outside his chambers and lifted his head to squint in the direction of the door. "What the..."

He swished his hand toward the door and the noises ceased. As he flopped back down into the pillows, Celia murmured, "Thank you."

"Who shows up anywhere at the crack of dawn?" he muttered, rubbing his eyes with one hand. "And if they do have the balls to do that, why the hell aren't they quiet about it?"

"I don't know."

He rolled onto his side to peer down at Celia. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't asleep. At least, he didn't think she was. But she didn't open her eyes, so maybe she had drifted off.

His gaze slid down over her. She lay on her back in her camisole and shorts, the sheet pulled up to just over her hips and he smiled, seeing the slight rise of her belly. A baby. He couldn't believe it. It just didn't seem possible and yet, there it was, that slight rise that wasn't there a week earlier.

He reached down to cover that rise with his hand. He couldn't help it. It was just too amazing to resist.

"It's not going anywhere," she murmured, smiling as she covered his hand with hers.

"I know," he said, letting his thumb skim along the bare strip of skin between the bottom of her camisole and the top of her shorts. "But it calls to me, sweetheart."

"It calls to you?" She opened one eye. "You're kidding, right?"

"No. You're already showing a little."

Now she opened both eyes. "What?"

He smiled and nodded. "Feel for yourself."

She reached down and he lifted his hand to allow her the chance to feel the bump. Her hand went still for a moment and when she glanced up at him, her eyes were wide. "Oh my god... Sel... How is that even possible?"

"Because you're carrying a Jötunn child, beautiful girl. Remember, I'm only part Midgardian." He smoothed her hair away from her face. Her eyes were so expressive, bright blue and almost sparkling. "And it's a shorter pregnancy as well, so it stands to reason you'll show faster."

"I know, but damn... What if I don't fit into my gown?"

"Sweetheart, our wedding is tomorrow. I don't think you're going to grow that fast." He curved his hand against her cheek. "But even if you did, you'd still be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Selig, if I did, I'll look like the iceberg that sank the Titanic."

"No, you wouldn't." He carefully shifted, inching over her to cover her. "Tell me if I'm squishing you, Ce."

"You're fine, babe," she said, winding her arms about his neck. "You feel like fooling around, Mr. Lokison?"

"If you're up to it, I'm always willing," he told her, dipping to brush her lips with a kiss.

"Selig, I'm fine. I just--" She stopped abruptly, pressing her lips together.

"What's the matter, Ce?"

"I just... I don't feel..." Her skin took on a greenish pallor and she shoved against him to push him off.

He slid aside as she bolted from the bed and raced into the bathroom, and he winced at the sound her getting sick. "Ce?" He kicked back the covers and got out of bed to pad over to the doorway. "Do you want me to get Eir?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm--oh, God..."

He winced again and waved his left hand over his right. A can of Canada Dry ginger ale appeared another swish of his hand and a glass appeared. "Here, sweetheart," he said, setting the glass on the counter to pour the soda into it. "My mother swears by ginger for an upset stomach."

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