Chapter Seventeen

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The landing was quite possibly the most uncomfortable landing Celia had ever felt. Her feet hit ground with enough force to jar her clear off them. She reeled forward, tripped over her own two feet, and crashed hard to the ground, knocking every last bit of air from her lungs. "Ooof!"

Somewhere behind her, Selig groaned and as she lifted her head, he sat up. "Jesus, Heimdall, a little care next time."

The next thing she knew, Selig dropped to his knees beside her and gathered her in his arms. "Are you all right? That was one of the hardest landings I've ever seen off the Bifrost."

"The Bifrost?" She still struggled to pull air into her lungs, so the question was no more than a scratchy rasp. She stared up at him. He didn't seem hurt at all and he was no longer clad in only his boxer briefs. Instead, he wore leggings of black leather and a tunic of black with silver accents.

He smiled. "Welcome to Asgard, sweetheart."

"Selig!" Aislinn's voice rang through the chamber and as Celia's eyes focused a little better, she realized they stood beneath a dome of brilliant gold webbing, lined with numbers and symbols and pictograms of things she'd never seen before.

Selig lifted her effortlessly and turned as Aislinn slammed into them. "Easy, Al, can't you see I've got my hands full."

"Is that Celia?"

Celia nodded as her lungs began to fill once more. "It is."

Aislinn hugged them both. "Thank the gods! Oh, I thought Heimdall was going to be too late."

"What are you talking about?" Selig asked.

"Welcome home, Selig."

Celia turned to see Loki, the King of Asgard, standing across from them, as imposing as ever in black and green leather edged with gold armor. Her heart skipped a painful beat and she looked up at Selig. "You can put me down now."

Selig gently set her on her feet and stood facing his father. "Welcome home?"

Loki nodded. "Your mother will be here momentarily." His blue eyes fell on Celia, who was painfully aware of her skimpy camisole and tried nonchalantly to fold her arms over her chest as he said, "It's good to see you again, Celia."

Selig grinned. "Hold on, Dad." He flicked his fingers in her direction.

A white button down shirt that was far too big on her covered the camisole and she smiled. He had his magic back. With that, she turned to smile at Loki. "Hi, Mr. Odinson. Nice place you have here."

To her relief, Loki smiled. "It's not much, but it's home."

"Selig!" McKenna Odinson rushed toward them, throwing her arms about Selig with enough force to knock him back a few steps. "Thank God..."

Celia felt tears prick her eyes as Selig embraced his mother. "You have no idea how good it feels to be back here."

She squeezed him around the middle. "And you brought her with you."

"I had to. I couldn't leave Ce behind, Mom."

Celia pressed her lips together as McKenna released him and came over to embrace her warmly. "It's good to see you, love," she whispered. "So good to see you with him."

Celia's eyes stung even more and she couldn't hold back her tears as she hugged Selig's mother just as tightly. This was what a mother's hug was supposed to feel like and McKenna was more a mother to her than her own mother was. "Thank you, Mrs. Odinson."

Selig came over to gently pry them apart. "How did you know?"

Aislinn smiled. "Because I've been hounding Heimdall about you, Sel. I was worried."

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