Chapter Sixty-One

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A sharp cramp woke Celia from a sound sleep. She sucked in a sharp breath, rolling onto her left side, which usually seemed to ease the various pregnancy-related aches and pains.

But not this time.

"Ooh..." She exhaled heavily, rubbing her bump with one hand as she tried to focus on the clock. It was three-sixteen in the morning. Selig was sound asleep beside her, his snores softly echoing about the room. Of course he was sound asleep. He'd expended an awful lot of energy proving to her she wasn't the undesirable beast she thought she'd become.

Another pain hit, this one sharper than the last, and she winced. Then, her eyes went wide at the sudden gush of fluid between her legs. "Selig!" she hissed, reaching behind her to poke him in the ribs. "Selig, wake up!"

"Wha--what's wrong, Ce?" he mumbled thickly.

"My water just broke. It's time."

"Time for what?"


"Wait," the grogginess left his voice and the bed shifted as he sat up, "do you mean, it's time? Like, you're in labor time?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes!"

"Do you need Eir?"

"I will soon. Right now, I need to get changed and change these sheets. I know this is all natural and stuff, but it's gross." She tossed the covers back and sat up.

But as she made to rise, Selig jumped up. "Change the sheets? I don't think so. Lie down."

"Selig, this is going to take a while and I don't want to be laying on this wet, ooky sheet." She pushed against his stomach in an attempt to move him. "Now, let me--ooooh!"

This pain was even fiercer, slicing through her worse than any menstrual cramp ever did. She hunched, grabbing her belly as she tried to slow down her breathing.

"Ce, I'm getting Eir."

She tried to grab him with her free hand, but he was too quick. As the pain ebbed, she sat up straighter, "Sel, it's okay--"

The words died on her lips. He was gone already, the door to their chambers wide open. Oh well, at least she'd be able to change without his trying to shove her back in bed.

Moving took a bit of doing, especially when the next pain came. She was at the wardrobe when it hit, and she practically tore the door from its hinges as the pain slashed through her. Her knees started to buckle and it was only through sheer force of will that she didn't crumple into a heap.

"Easy, baby..." she breathed, rubbing her belly with her free hand as the pain subsided once more. "There's no need to try to kill me, okay?"

Since she had only a few minutes before the next pain would probably come, she tugged off her damp tee shirt and ruined boy shorts, replaced the shirt with a fresh one, and as she closed the wardrobe, the next pain swept through her with such force, that she did sink to her knees this time.

"Oh... oh... God..." She fought to breathe calmly, but it was a little more difficult with each contraction. But thankfully, this one faded and she was able to stand once more.

By some divine providence, she was able to strip and remake the bed before the next contraction, which was a good thing, since said contraction had her nearly biting through her bottom lip as she sank into the bed once more.

"Celia, what the--I told you not to worry about this," Selig growled as he and Eir came into the room.

"Don't you yell at me," she snapped, tears stinging her eyes. Only for the first time in years, these were tears of pain. Jesus Christ, this fucking hurt. She dragged air into her lungs, squeezed her eyes shut, and although she tried to hold it back, a low moan floated to her lips as the next contraction crushed her in its evil, painful contraction-fist. "Owwwww..."

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