Chapter Fifty

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As the week rolled by, Celia found herself a little more tired at the end of each day. And by Friday, she was exhausted. It felt as if she spent every waking moment doing wedding things and the next week was no better. Day after day, she found herself in McKenna's chambers, with Aislinn, and Kyra, as well as Sigyn, finalizing her gown and her bridesmaids dresses as well as all the details and accessories that went hand in hand with those dresses. McKenna assured her that Trina's dress would fit and if it didn't, it would only take Sigyn a few minutes to alter it.

After that, they worked on the guest list, which boggled Celia's mind in ways she never thought possible. She had maybe a dozen people on her list, while the list for Selig's side went several pages. There were eight realms of guests, from dignitaries and heads of state to friends of the Odinson family. It seemed like everyone in the entire cosmos was going to be invited to their wedding.

"It's a lot, I know," Aislinn said as they left McKenna in the dining hall, where she was adding still more people to the list. "But Mom and Dad are just that happy to see you and Selig getting married."

"It's just... weird... to think of this as a royal wedding," Celia sighed, sinking back against the wall. "I mean, he's just... Selig... he's the boy I used to play on the swings with and have snowball fights with."

"And now he's the man you're going to spend the rest of your life with," Aislinn said softly, giving her arm a squeeze.

"He's a prince, Aislinn."

Aislinn grinned. "I know. He's my brother, remember?"

Celia leaned her head back. "It's just so much to take in."

"See, for us, this is just how it's done." Aislinn held out one hand, palm up, and wiggled the fingers of her other hand to make a white mouse appear in her palm. "Just like this is how it's done."

"Speak for yourself," Kyra said, tucking a blonde tendril behind her ear. "I can't do that."

"No, but you can do things I can't do."

Celia looked from Aislinn to Kyra and back. "Kyr, you can't do magic?"

She shook her head. "Nope. I'm the family freak."

"You're not a freak. You're just like Mom." Aislinn patted her shoulder. "She can't do magic, either."

Kyra didn't look at all mollified. "She's Midgardian."

"So are you."

"I'm half, like you and Selig and Nicky. But I'm the only one who can't do magic. It kind of sucks."

Celia looked at the white mouse in Aislinn's palm. It curled up and closed its pink eyes. "What can you do, Kyr?"

"Al, can you make Dad's dagger appear?"

"I can, but he'll kill me if he finds me with it."

"Just do it, please?"

"Fine." Aislinn waved her hand over the sleeping mouse and it disappeared. She gave another wave and this time, a large dagger with worn leather handle appeared. She handed the dagger to her sister. "What do you need this for?"

"She wants to know my talent." Kyra took the dagger and as Celia watched in horror, sliced the blade across the palm of her hand.

"Ew... damn, Kyra, that is nasty," Aislinn said with a grimace. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Um... yeah. Of course it does. Duh." Kyra nodded as she handed the dagger back to Aislinn. "Send it back before Dad finds out."

Celia stared at the blood now pooling in Kyra's palm. "What the hell are you doing?"

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