Chapter Nineteen

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They didn't have much time to do a lot of exploring, but Selig promised her that in the coming days he planned to show her the Asgard Cliffs, a small, private beach used only by his family, and the mysterious sounding Sølvfoss, and she looked forward to each and every thing he wanted to share with her. This was all so different, being in his world and watching him navigate it, and she didn't want to miss one single moment of it.

But, as dinner neared and they both had to freshen up, she reluctantly said goodbye to him at her chamber's door and when she went inside, she found Kirsten and Alayna already waiting for her.

She submitted to being scrubbed down again, as she'd gotten pretty dusty during the ride, and when it was all over and she was dressed and waiting for Selig, she sighed as she peered at her reflection in the mirror.

The gown Kirsten had given her was the most beautiful garment Celia had ever seen. It was even more beautiful than the dress she'd gotten to wear to her senior prom. Sewn of deep plum-colored silk, it was Grecian in style, draped elegantly from her shoulders, with open sleeves that gathered at her wrists. The floor length skirt draped just as elegantly and the purple slippers on her feet were as comfortable as if they'd been made especially for her.

Alayna had taken great pains with her hair this time as well, combing and twisting Celia's normally unruly mass of curls into a high chignon, around which she'd woven a purple and silver cord that sparkled with amethysts and what she thought might be actual diamonds.

When a soft knock sounded, she practically leaped out of her skin and tried to wave away her nerves as she fanned a hand in front of her face and hurried from the terrace to the door. As she tugged it open, her mouth dropped open and she stared at the man across the threshold.

"Oh, my..." she breathed, her eyes going as wide as her mouth as Selig stepped into her room, looking more handsome than she'd ever seen. He was dressed in entirely in black, but the silver accents on his tunic were far more pronounced and now a long, heavy-looking black cape flowed from the silver epaulets on his shoulders. And what was more? He wore a silver helmet with long, swooping horns. "Selig?"

He smiled from the depths of the helmet. "What do you think?"

"I—that is—damn... is this your formal armor?"

He nodded, bending forward slightly to tug the helmet free. It took a few seconds of wrestling with it, but then he got it off and when he straightened, his hair was a little flattened. "It's a pain, is what it is. You have no idea how much more comfortable those Levi's and that Peeps shirt were."

"You look amazing, Sel." And he did. The leggings emphasized the muscles layering his long legs, while the epaulets made his already impossibly broad shoulders look broader still. "How many women are going to be tripping over their tongues tonight?"

"I don't know, but damn, Ce, you look beautiful." He tucked the helmet under his arm, then shrugged and tossed it onto the bed. It hit the mattress, then promptly bounced off, striking the floor with a loud clang.

"Thank you." Catching the skirt in her fingertips, she did a silly pirouette. She couldn't help herself. She'd never felt so much like a princess as she did right then. Even Cinderella couldn't have felt as much like a princess.

He slid his arms about her waist and pulled her against him. "I'm a lucky guy, Ce. A very lucky guy."

She smiled up at him. "I think I'm the lucky one, Sel. No one back home would ever believe this."

The image of Tony and the gun shot through her mind and she shuddered involuntarily. "I wonder what will happen when I get home?"

"I'll ask Heimdall to take a look and see, so we don't walk into any surprises."

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