Chapter Fifty-Three

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While Selig was on Midgard--along with the Warriors (which had Celia really hoping they were as inconspicuous as possible. She could just imagine the havoc they'd wreak otherwise) she finished with her final fitting.

"How do I look?" she asked, carefully turning on the large white block to face McKenna, Aislinn, Kyra, and Sigyn.

McKenna's eyes looked greener than usual as they glinted with unshed tears. "You look beautiful, Celia. Selig will be floored when he sees you."

"Wow, Ce... you do... you look gorgeous," Aislinn breathed, elbowing her sister, who could only stare and nod in agreement.

She felt every bit as beautiful as they said she was, felt like a princess for the first time since her prom night, when she waited for Selig to show up at her door.

Her hands skimmed down along the fluid silk skirt of their own accord. She couldn't help it. She'd never owned a gown so beautiful, or one that she couldn't wait to wear for real. Not even her prom dress made her eyes mist over and her throat tighten and made her feel exactly like a fairy tale princess. She wanted to look as much like that princess as possible, wanted Selig to be left breathless as she approached, wanted to see his eyes gleam with tears while he wondered what he'd done to win the hand of a woman so beautiful.

Despite her worries, the gown fit perfectly, although she did have a slight bump now. Her hands found their way to it on their own at the oddest moments and she couldn't wait for the time when she'd be able to feel the baby move. It was still just such a vague concept to her now. When the baby moved, she'd know it was for real.

She wondered what Selig's reaction would be, when that time came. He seemed just so fascinated by the small bump, his hand curving about it pretty much every chance he had. His thumb would stroke gently across her while he bent to whisper something she couldn't hear or while he pressed his lips against her belly. It was a sight that she never thought she'd be witness to and whenever he did it, she found herself falling in love with him all over again. Each time he did it, she couldn't resist reaching down to stroke his silky black hair, watching as the light played along the raven waves. She found herself wondering what their child would look like. Would he or she have Selig's pale blue eyes or her darker blue ones? Would he or she be blonde or have black hair? She couldn't wait to see, to meet their son or daughter.

Which was funny, because she never wanted children. She wasn't lying when she confessed to Selig her fears where having children were concerned. What if she couldn't control her temper, just as her own mother seemed to have such difficulties controlling hers? What if she lashed out, determined to hurt whether it be physical, verbal, or emotional? Ellen never cared what weapon she used, as long as she drew blood in some way, shape, or form.

And yet, at the same time, she believed Selig when he reassured her, when he kissed the top of her head and told her that she would be a fine mother. She believed him because she wanted to believe him, although she had to admit to at least herself that she had her doubts.

Still, she looked forward to the baby's arrival. Looked forward to the family she and Selig were creating.

"Try it with the veil," Sigyn directed and Celia bit back a smile as Aislinn stepped up and set the gold and silver tiara gently on her head. White antique lace fluttered before Celia's eyes, dotted with crystal chips. "What do you think, Lady Celia?"

Celia turned back to the full-length mirror and let her smile free. "I love it. God, I can't believe this is really happening."

"Believe it," Kyra said, holding out a hand to help her step down from the block, "because it is."

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