Chapter 2 - New school

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I wake up and get dressed into my school uniform and tick It off my Routine board. I have this board to make sure I know exactly what I need to do and at what time. I feel all funny feelings in my stomach and feel shaky, I grab my meh face from my feelings board and show my mum.

Are you ok Jared, my mum says to me, I shake my head. You will be fine Sweetheart your feeling nervous because its your first day at your new school she says to me. I go to my playroom and grab my teddybear..

My teddybear keeps me calm and I know that I am safe when I am with my teddybear, mummy sometimes let's me take it to school with me when I don't feel myself and when I feel anxious. I feel anxious all the time as I see things completely differently then my mummy, so I get upset and anxious easily.

I finally arrived at my new school and I walk into the classroom and I look around the room which was covered with Sensory lights, musical instruments and fizzy felt toys. I spot a girl playing with loud symbols and I cover my ears, I really did not like I was and start crying and hugging my mum.  I don't like loud noises as it upsets me. I don't like change, I like to know what I am doing. I wanted to go back to my old school.

I get angry and throw my Teddy at the window and start kicking the chair next to me, this teacher came to me and bent down to me and told me that everything will be OK and not to be scared and gave me a hug.

Do you want to come with me and watch a dvd she says to me, I nod my head, I grab her hand and follow her into the next room and pick a dvd. She was nice and I felt safe around her. I knew that I could trust her.

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