Chapter 17 - favourite teacher

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Mrs. Johnson had been teaching for over 20 years. She had seen all sorts of students come and go through her classroom, but Jared was different.

From the moment he walked into her classroom, she knew he was a special student. He had a spark in his eyes and a contagious energy that filled the room.

But she also noticed that Jared had a hard time sitting still. He fidgeted in his seat, tapped his pencil, and bounced his leg up and down. At first, Mrs. Johnson thought it was just a phase, but as the days went on, she realized that Jared had a lot of energy that he needed to channel in a positive way.

Mrs. Johnson knew that she needed to find a way to help Jared focus in the classroom. She tried different strategies, like giving him extra breaks and allowing him to move around during lessons. She also talked to Jared about his restlessness and gave him tips for staying focused.

But Mrs. Johnson also knew that Jared was a bright student. He had a natural curiosity and a love for learning that she wanted to nurture. She challenged him with more difficult assignments and encouraged him to ask questions.

As the weeks went on, Mrs. Johnson saw Jared start to thrive in the classroom. He was able to manage his energy better and focus on the lessons. He also became more confident in his abilities and started to participate more in class discussions.

Mrs. Johnson was proud of Jared's progress and knew that he had a bright future ahead of him. She was grateful to have him in her classroom and looked forward to watching him grow and succeed.

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