Chapter 31 - Change

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Jared had always been a creature of habit. He liked things to stay the same, and he didn't handle change very well.

Whenever something in Jared's life changed, he felt like he was losing control. He didn't like feeling uncertain or unsure of what was going to happen next.

Jared's dislike of change became a problem when he started to feel stuck in his life. He knew that he wanted to make changes - to try new things, meet new people, and explore new places - but he couldn't bring himself to take the first step.

Jared realized that his fear of change was holding him back. He knew that he needed to learn how to embrace change, instead of running from it.

Jared started small, by trying new foods, taking a different route to work, or listening to new music. He realized that change didn't have to be scary - it could be exciting and fun.

As Jared got more comfortable with change, he started to take bigger risks. He tried new hobbies, joined a new club, and even traveled to a new city.

Jared discovered that change could be a good thing. He realized that when he stepped out of his comfort zone, he grew as a person. He learned new things, met new people, and had new experiences that he never would have had if he had stayed in his bubble.

Jared still didn't love change, but he had learned how to handle it. He knew that life was full of surprises, and that he couldn't control everything. But he also knew that he had the power to choose how he responded to change - and he was choosing to embrace it.

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