Chapter 5 - Festival

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Jared's mum, Sarah, had always known that her son was different. From a young age, she noticed that he struggled with social interactions and had a hard time communicating his thoughts and feelings. She worried about him and wondered how she could help him.

When Jared was diagnosed with Autism, Sarah felt a mix of emotions. She was relieved to finally have an explanation for Jared's behavior, but she was also scared. She didn't know what the future held for her son and worried that he would never be able to live a normal life.

As Jared grew older, Sarah tried her best to help him. She took him to therapy and tried to teach him social skills, but it often felt like an uphill battle. She felt like she was failing him and that she would never be able to give him the life he deserved.

One day, Sarah heard about a music class for children with special needs. She thought it might be a good way to help Jared connect with others and develop his social skills. She was nervous about sending him, but she knew she had to try.

When Sarah saw how much Jared loved the music class, she felt a sense of relief. For the first time in a long time, she saw her son happy and engaged. She watched as he played his guitar and sang with his classmates, and she felt a sense of pride.

As Jared's confidence grew, Sarah saw a change in him. He started to communicate more and was even able to make friends. She saw him smile more often and noticed that he seemed happier.

When Jared's teacher announced that the class would be performing at a local music festival, Sarah was nervous but also excited. She knew how much this meant to Jared and how hard he had worked to get to this point.

On the day of the festival, Sarah watched as Jared took the stage. She felt a sense of pride as she watched him play his guitar and sing his heart out. She saw the joy on his face and the happiness he brought to others, and she knew that he was going to be okay.

From that day on, Sarah continued to support Jared's love of music. She watched as he developed his talent and shared it with others. She knew that he still had challenges ahead, but she also knew that he had the strength and determination to overcome them.

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