Chapter 10 - sensory room

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Jared walked into the sensory room and immediately felt a sense of calm wash over him. The room was designed to provide a safe and soothing environment for people with autism, and it was filled with soft lighting, gentle music, and a variety of sensory toys and tools.

Jared had been coming to the sensory room for a few months now, and he had come to see it as a sanctuary. Whenever he felt overwhelmed or anxious, he knew that he could come here and find peace.

He walked over to the wall of textured panels and ran his hands over them, feeling the different textures and patterns. He loved the way they felt against his skin, and he could feel his anxiety melting away.

Next, he picked up a weighted blanket and draped it over his shoulders. The weight of the blanket felt comforting and grounding, and he could feel his body relaxing as he snuggled into it.

He sat down in the corner of the room and picked up a fidget toy, twisting it back and forth between his fingers. The repetitive motion was soothing, and he could feel his mind starting to quiet down.

Jared closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, taking slow deep breaths in and out. He could feel his body relaxing even further, and he knew that he was exactly where he needed to be.

After a few minutes, Jared opened his eyes and looked around the room. He saw other people with autism in the room, each of them finding their own ways to soothe themselves. Some were bouncing on a therapy ball, others were playing with a sensory table, and some were simply sitting quietly like he was.

Jared realized that he was not alone in his struggle with autism, and that there were other people who understood what he was going through. He felt a sense of connection to the others in the room, even though they had never spoken to each other.

As he got up to leave the sensory room, Jared felt a sense of calm and peace that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that he would be back soon, and that the sensory room would always be there for him when he needed it.

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