Chapter 15 - youtuber

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Jared had always been fascinated by YouTube. He loved watching videos about video games, music, and funny skits. But lately, he had started to think about making his own videos.

He spent hours brainstorming ideas for videos and imagining what it would be like to have his own channel. He would make videos about his favorite games, do funny skits with his friends, and even try his hand at music.

But every time he thought about actually making a video, he hesitated. What if people didn't like it? What if he looked stupid on camera? What if he never got any views?

Jared's mom noticed that he had been spending a lot of time on his phone and asked him what he was doing. "Just watching YouTube," he said, shrugging.

But his mom could tell that there was more to it than that. "Is there something you want to talk about?" she asked gently.

Jared hesitated, then blurted out, "I want to be a YouTuber."

His mom smiled. "That's a great goal, Jared. What kind of videos do you want to make?"

Jared told her about his ideas for videos, but also about his fears. "I don't want to look stupid on camera," he said.

His mom nodded. "I understand. But you know what? Everyone looks a little silly on camera at first. It takes practice to get comfortable."

Jared thought about that. Maybe he could start small, with short videos that he could share with his friends. He could work on getting comfortable on camera and improving his skills.

With his mom's encouragement, Jared started making videos. At first, he was nervous and self-conscious. But as he kept making videos, he started to feel more comfortable.

And then, something amazing happened. One of his videos started getting views. And then another. And another. People were leaving comments and sharing his videos with their friends.

Jared couldn't believe it. He was actually becoming a YouTuber. He kept making videos, and his channel kept growing.

As he looked back on those first few nervous videos, Jared realized that he had come a long way. He was still learning, but he was also having fun and making people laugh.

And who knows? Maybe one day he would be a famous YouTuber, with millions of subscribers and his own merchandise.

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