Chapter 36 - being hyper

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Jared was always a bundle of energy. He was the kind of person who never seemed to run out of steam, no matter how long the day had been.

Jared's hyperactivity was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it meant that he was always up for an adventure and ready to try new things. He was the life of the party and could always be counted on to keep things interesting.

But on the other hand, Jared's hyperactivity could be exhausting for those around him. He would talk a mile a minute, and his enthusiasm could sometimes be overwhelming.

Despite his hyperactivity, Jared was well-liked by his friends and family. They appreciated his zest for life and his willingness to try new things. And they knew that when Jared was around, there was never a dull moment.

Jared's hyperactivity was especially apparent in social situations. He loved meeting new people and making new friends, and he was always the first one on the dance floor at parties.

But even when he was alone, Jared's hyperactivity was still apparent. He would bounce around his room, listening to music and coming up with new ideas for things to do. He was always on the move, always looking for the next adventure.

Despite his boundless energy, Jared was still able to focus when he needed to. He was a hard worker and took his schoolwork seriously. And he had learned to channel his hyperactivity in productive ways, like playing sports or practicing an instrument.

In the end, Jared's hyperactivity was just one part of who he was. It was a part of him that he embraced, even when it was exhausting. Because for Jared, life was all about living in the moment and enjoying every second to the fullest.

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