Chapter 20 - ipad

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Jared was lying on his bed, playing on his iPad. He had just finished his homework and was looking forward to some downtime. He loved playing games on his iPad, especially ones that challenged his mind.

He scrolled through his list of apps, trying to decide which one to play. He settled on a puzzle game that he had been playing for a few weeks. It was a challenging game, but he had gotten pretty good at it.

As he started to play, he felt his mind relax. He loved the feeling of being absorbed in a game, of losing himself in the challenge. It was a way for him to escape the stresses of school and life.

Jared played for a while, getting lost in the game. He didn't notice the time passing, and before he knew it, it was dark outside. He looked at the clock on his iPad and saw that it was almost bedtime.

He sighed and put down the iPad, feeling a bit disappointed that he had to stop playing. But he knew that he needed to get a good night's sleep if he wanted to do well in school.

As he settled into bed, he thought about the game he had been playing. He had gotten pretty far in it, but there were still more levels to complete. He couldn't wait to play it again tomorrow.

Jared closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the puzzles he would solve and the challenges he would overcome. He knew that he would always love playing on his iPad, no matter what other interests he might have. It was a way for him to relax, to challenge himself, and to have fun.

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