Chapter 29 - Doctor who

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Jared was a huge fan of Doctor Who. He loved everything about the show - the characters, the stories, the special effects. He had been watching it for years, and he never got tired of it.

Jared loved the way that Doctor Who could transport him to a different world, a different time, a different reality. He loved the way that the show tackled complex themes and ideas, from time travel to morality to the nature of the universe itself.

Jared was particularly fond of the character of the Doctor, the time-traveling alien who had saved the universe countless times. He loved the way that the Doctor was both brilliant and quirky, serious and silly. He admired the Doctor's bravery, his intelligence, and his compassion.

Jared had seen every episode of Doctor Who multiple times, and he never tired of re-watching his favorite moments. He loved the way that the show could make him laugh, cry, and feel every emotion in between.

Whenever Jared was feeling down, he would turn on an episode of Doctor Who and lose himself in the story. He loved the way that the show could make him forget about his problems, if only for a little while.

Jared often joked that he wanted to be the Doctor when he grew up. He knew that it was impossible, of course, but he loved the idea of traveling through time and space, saving the universe, and having incredible adventures along the way.

For Jared, Doctor Who was more than just a TV show - it was a source of inspiration, of comfort, and of joy. He knew that he would always be a fan, no matter how many years passed or how many Doctors came and went.

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