Chapter 32 - Fireworks

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Jared had never liked the sound of fireworks. As a child, he would always cover his ears and hide under a blanket when they went off.

As he grew older, Jared had hoped that he would grow out of his fear of fireworks, but it never happened. Every time he heard the loud bangs and pops, he would feel his heart racing and his palms sweating.

Jared knew that he wasn't alone in his fear of fireworks - many people found them loud and scary. But he couldn't help feeling embarrassed about it. He felt like he was the only one who couldn't handle the noise.

Jared tried to avoid fireworks whenever he could. He would stay inside on the Fourth of July and New Year's Eve, and he would always make sure to bring earplugs to any event where he knew there would be fireworks.

Despite his fear, Jared knew that fireworks were an important part of many celebrations. He admired the beauty of the colors and the way that they lit up the sky. He just wished that they could do it without all the noise.

Jared knew that his fear of fireworks was irrational, but he couldn't help it. He wished that he could be like everyone else, enjoying the show without feeling scared.

But Jared also knew that it was okay to be afraid. Everyone had their own fears and insecurities, and it was important to accept them and work through them in their own time.

Jared hoped that one day he would be able to enjoy fireworks without feeling scared. But for now, he was content to watch from a distance, with his earplugs in and his heart racing, knowing that he was doing the best he could.

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