Chapter 35 - nervous

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Jared had always been a bit of a nervous person. He was prone to worrying about things that other people didn't even consider, and he often found himself feeling anxious for no apparent reason.

Sometimes, Jared's nerves would get so bad that he would have trouble sleeping or eating. He would feel jittery and on edge, and he would have a hard time relaxing.

Jared had tried various methods to calm his nerves over the years. He had tried deep breathing exercises, meditation, and even therapy. But nothing seemed to work for very long.

Despite his nerves, Jared was still able to function in his day-to-day life. He went to school, hung out with his friends, and even held down a part-time job. But he always felt like he was on the verge of falling apart.

Jared's nerves were especially bad when it came to new situations or unfamiliar people. He would get sweaty palms and a racing heart whenever he had to meet someone new or do something out of his comfort zone.

But despite his nerves, Jared refused to let them hold him back. He was determined to live his life to the fullest, even if it meant pushing himself out of his comfort zone.

Over time, Jared learned to manage his nerves better. He found that exercise helped to calm him down, and he started going for runs whenever he felt particularly anxious. He also started practicing mindfulness, which helped him to stay present and focused in the moment.

Jared's nerves never fully went away, but he learned to live with them. He knew that he was a sensitive person, and he learned to embrace that part of himself rather than trying to fight against it. And in the end, that made all the difference.

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