chapter 3 - A world of patterns

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Jared saw the world in patterns. Everything he encountered was made up of shapes, colors, and sounds that he could arrange and organize in his mind. It was like solving a puzzle, and Jared loved the feeling of figuring things out.

But sometimes the patterns didn't make sense. Like when his mom's face would change and her voice would get loud, and Jared couldn't figure out why. Or when the other kids at school would laugh and whisper, and Jared didn't know if they were laughing with him or at him.

Jared wished he could make sense of these patterns, too. He wished he could understand why people acted the way they did, and why things sometimes went wrong. But it was like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces - there were always gaps that he couldn't fill.

Despite these moments of frustration, Jared loved to explore and learn. He was fascinated by the natural world - the way leaves changed colors in the fall, the patterns of the stars in the sky, and the structure of a spider's web. He loved to read about science, history, and art, and he could spend hours lost in a book.

Jared's love of patterns sometimes made it difficult for him to focus on other things, like socializing or following instructions. He would get lost in his own thoughts, building imaginary worlds and scenarios in his mind. But he was working on it. His teachers and parents were helping him learn how to communicate and connect with others, and he was making progress.

Jared knew that his autism made him different, but he didn't see it as a bad thing. It was just another pattern, another piece of the puzzle that made him who he was. And he was okay with that.

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