chapter 16 - distraction

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Jared walked into his classroom and took his seat. He looked around at his classmates, some of whom he knew well and others he didn't. He felt a little nervous, but also excited for the day ahead.

His teacher, Mrs. Johnson, walked in and greeted the class. "Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a great summer."

The class responded with a chorus of "good mornings" and "hellos."

Mrs. Johnson began the day by going over the class rules and expectations. She talked about being respectful to each other, working hard, and following directions.

Jared listened intently, but he couldn't help feeling a little restless. He had a lot of energy and wanted to move around.

As the morning went on, Jared found it harder and harder to sit still. He fidgeted in his seat, tapped his pencil, and bounced his leg up and down.

Mrs. Johnson noticed his restlessness and asked him to stop tapping his pencil. Jared stopped for a moment, but soon started again.

"Jared," Mrs. Johnson said sternly. "I need you to stop tapping your pencil. It's distracting to the other students."

Jared felt embarrassed and frustrated. He didn't want to be a distraction, but he couldn't help his energy.

The class moved on to a math lesson, but Jared found it hard to concentrate. He stared out the window, daydreaming about being outside and running around.

Mrs. Johnson noticed that Jared wasn't paying attention and asked him a question about the lesson. Jared didn't know the answer.

"Jared, I need you to focus on the lesson," she said. "Do you need to take a break and walk around for a few minutes?"

Jared nodded eagerly. He got up from his seat and walked around the classroom, stretching his legs and arms. He felt much better after the break and was able to focus on the lesson.

As the day went on, Jared learned that he needed to find ways to manage his energy in the classroom. He started taking more breaks and doing stretches in his seat. He also talked to Mrs. Johnson about his restlessness and she gave him tips for staying focused.

By the end of the day, Jared felt proud of himself for making it through the day. He knew that school would be challenging, but he was determined to do his best.

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