Chapter 27 - New people

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Jared had always struggled to feel comfortable around new people. He wasn't sure why - maybe it was because he was naturally introverted, or maybe it was because he had been bullied when he was younger. Whatever the reason, the thought of meeting new people made him feel anxious and uncomfortable.

Jared had tried to push himself out of his comfort zone, but it was hard. Whenever he was around new people, he felt like he was being judged, like they were looking for flaws in him. He would sweat profusely and his heart would race, and he would struggle to make eye contact or hold a conversation.

Jared knew that his anxiety around new people was holding him back. He wanted to make new friends, to connect with people on a deeper level, but he just didn't know how. He felt like he was stuck in a rut, unable to move forward.

One day, Jared decided to take a chance. He signed up for a local meet-up group, hoping to meet some like-minded people who shared his interests. He was nervous as he walked into the meeting room, his heart pounding in his chest. But as he looked around, he saw that everyone there was just like him - a little bit nervous, a little bit unsure.

Jared took a deep breath and introduced himself. To his surprise, everyone was friendly and welcoming, eager to get to know him. They asked him questions about himself, and he found that he was able to answer them without feeling anxious or uncomfortable.

As the meeting went on, Jared felt himself relaxing. He realized that he didn't have to be perfect, that it was okay to make mistakes and stumble over his words. He started to feel like he belonged, like he had found a group of people who understood him.

Jared left the meeting feeling hopeful. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he felt like he had taken a step in the right direction. He felt like he had found a community of people who would support him as he worked to overcome his anxiety and build new relationships.

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