Chapter 24 - doctors

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Jared sat in the doctor's office, feeling nervous and uncomfortable. He didn't like going to the doctor, and he didn't like being poked and prodded by strangers. He felt like he was being judged, like the doctors were looking for something wrong with him.

As the doctor came into the room, Jared felt his anxiety rise. He didn't like the way the doctor looked at him, like he was a specimen to be examined. He felt like he was being treated like a lab rat, like his feelings and opinions didn't matter.

The doctor asked Jared a series of questions, and Jared answered them as best he could. But he didn't like the way the doctor kept interrupting him, like he didn't trust Jared to tell the truth. He felt like he was being interrogated, like he was being accused of something.

When the doctor asked Jared to take off his shirt for an examination, Jared hesitated. He didn't like the idea of being exposed, of being vulnerable. He felt like he was being violated, like his privacy was being taken away from him.

As the examination continued, Jared felt more and more uncomfortable. He didn't like the way the doctor touched him, like he was a piece of meat. He felt like he was being used, like his body was being treated as an object.

When the examination was finally over, Jared felt relieved. He couldn't wait to get out of the doctor's office and away from the judgmental gaze of the medical professionals. He felt like he had been through a traumatic experience, like he had been violated and mistreated.

As he walked out of the doctor's office, Jared felt a wave of anger wash over him. He didn't like the way he had been treated, like he was a second-class citizen. He felt like he deserved to be treated with respect and dignity, like his feelings and opinions mattered.

Jared knew that he needed to find a way to stand up for himself, to demand better treatment from the medical professionals. He felt like he had been wronged, like he had been treated unfairly. And he knew that he needed to do something about it.

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