Chapter 38 - New love

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Jared had always been fascinated by cars. As a kid, he would spend hours playing with toy cars, imagining himself behind the wheel of a sleek sports car, racing down the highway.

As he got older, Jared's love for cars only grew stronger. He spent countless hours reading about different makes and models, learning everything he could about engines and performance.

When he turned sixteen, Jared got his driver's license, and his parents surprised him with a used car. It wasn't anything fancy, just a basic sedan, but to Jared, it was the most beautiful car in the world.

Jared spent every spare moment tinkering with his car, tweaking the engine, and adding new features. He loved the feeling of being in control of a powerful machine, the thrill of the open road stretching out before him.

Over the years, Jared's love for cars only grew stronger. He started going to car shows, admiring the sleek lines of vintage muscle cars and the futuristic designs of concept cars.

He even started modifying his own car, adding racing stripes and a custom sound system. He would spend hours polishing the paint and cleaning the rims, making sure that every inch of his car was perfect.

To Jared, cars were more than just a means of transportation. They were a way to express himself, to show the world his love for speed and power. And he knew that no matter where life took him, his love for cars would always be a part of who he was.

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