Chapter 30 - being different is ok

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Jared had always struggled with self-esteem. He had a hard time seeing the good in himself, and often felt like he wasn't good enough.

But over time, Jared began to realize that he was a unique and special person. He had talents and skills that nobody else had, and he had a kind and caring heart.

Jared started to focus on the things that he loved about himself. He loved his sense of humor, his creativity, and his intelligence. He loved the way that he could make people laugh, and the way that he could come up with new ideas and solutions to problems.

Jared also started to take care of himself more. He started to exercise regularly, eat healthier foods, and get enough sleep. He realized that when he took care of himself, he felt better both physically and mentally.

Jared began to surround himself with positive people who lifted him up and supported him. He realized that he didn't have to listen to the negative voices in his head, and that he had the power to choose who he spent time with.

As Jared's self-esteem grew, he started to take on new challenges and pursue his dreams. He started to believe in himself, and he realized that he was capable of achieving great things.

Jared knew that he still had bad days, and that he would always have to work on his self-esteem. But he also knew that he was making progress, and that he was becoming the best version of himself.

Jared loved himself for who he was, flaws and all. He knew that he was a work in progress, but he was excited to see where the journey would take him.

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