chapter 12 - Tantrum

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Jared was feeling frustrated and angry. He had just gotten back from school, and he had a lot of homework to do. But he didn't want to do it - he wanted to play video games.

He walked into the living room where his mum was sitting on the couch, reading a book. "Mum, can I play video games?" he asked.

"No, Jared," his mum replied. "You need to do your homework first."

"But I don't want to do my homework!" Jared whined. "I want to play video games!"

His mum put down her book and looked at him sternly. "Jared, you know the rules. Homework comes first."

Jared felt a surge of anger. He didn't want to follow the rules - he wanted to do what he wanted to do. He stamped his foot on the ground and yelled, "I hate homework! I hate you!"

His mum looked shocked. "Jared, that's not a nice thing to say. You need to calm down."

But Jared didn't want to calm down. He felt like he was about to explode. He picked up a cushion from the couch and threw it across the room.

His mum stood up and walked over to him. "Jared, that's enough. You need to go to your room and calm down."

Jared didn't want to go to his room. He wanted to stay in the living room and play video games. He picked up another cushion and threw it at his mum.

His mum caught the cushion and held it in her hands. "Jared, that's it. You're grounded. No video games for a week."

Jared felt a sense of injustice. He had been punished for expressing his feelings. He felt like his mum didn't understand him, and that she was being unfair.

He stormed off to his room and slammed the door shut. He lay down on his bed and cried, feeling like the world was against him.

After a while, he started to calm down. He realized that he had overreacted, and that his mum had been right to make him do his homework. He got up from his bed and walked over to the door.

"Mum?" he called out. "I'm sorry for throwing the cushions. Can I come out now?"

His mum opened the door and looked at him with a smile. "Of course, Jared. I forgive you.

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