Chapter 14 - YouTube

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Jared was sitting on the couch, watching YouTube on his phone. He had been scrolling through videos for hours, and he was completely engrossed.

He had started off watching gaming videos, but had quickly moved on to music videos, then to funny cat videos, and then to videos of people doing crazy stunts.

Jared's mom walked into the room and saw him glued to his phone. "Jared, why don't you take a break from that and go outside for a bit?" she said.

Jared sighed. He didn't want to stop watching videos. He was in the middle of a particularly funny one, and he didn't want to miss the punchline.

"Can I just finish this one video, Mom?" he asked.

His mom hesitated, then nodded. "Okay, but just one more. And then it's time to take a break."

Jared grinned and turned back to his phone. He watched as the video ended, then scrolled down to the next one.

He was so engrossed in the videos that he didn't even realize how much time had passed. Suddenly, his phone beeped - it was a notification from YouTube.

Jared looked at the notification and saw that it was suggesting a video about a new game that he had been wanting to try. He clicked on the video and watched as the person on the screen explained how the game worked.

Jared was hooked. He watched the video all the way through, then clicked on another one. And another. And another.

Before he knew it, it was dark outside and his mom was calling him for dinner. Jared put down his phone and stretched. He felt like he had been in a trance.

As he walked to the kitchen, he realized that he had spent the whole day watching videos. He felt a little guilty, but also a little proud. He had discovered so many new things and had learned so much.

As he sat down to eat dinner with his family, Jared couldn't help but think about all the videos he was going to watch tomorrow.

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