Chapter 25 - Loud noises

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Jared had always been afraid of loud noises. As a child, he would cower under his bed whenever there was a thunderstorm, and he would plug his ears whenever there were fireworks or loud music. He didn't like the way the loud noises made him feel, like his heart was racing and his body was trembling.

As he grew older, Jared tried to hide his fear of loud noises from his friends and family. He didn't want to be seen as weak or childish, so he would force himself to attend concerts and events with loud music. But he never enjoyed them, and he always felt a sense of relief when they were over.

One day, while walking down the street, Jared heard a loud car backfire. He jumped and felt his heart racing, and he realized that he couldn't keep hiding his fear of loud noises forever. He knew that he needed to find a way to overcome his fear, to face it head-on.

Jared decided to seek help from a therapist, who helped him to understand the root of his fear. Together, they worked on techniques to help Jared cope with loud noises, such as deep breathing and visualization exercises. They also worked on desensitization therapy, gradually exposing Jared to louder and louder noises until he felt more comfortable.

It wasn't easy, and there were times when Jared felt like giving up. But he knew that he needed to face his fears if he wanted to live a full and happy life. And slowly but surely, he began to make progress. He was able to attend concerts and events without feeling overwhelmed, and he even found himself enjoying them.

Jared knew that he still had a long way to go, but he was proud of himself for taking the first step. He felt like he had taken control of his fear, instead of letting it control him. And he knew that with time and practice, he would be able to overcome his fear of loud noises once and for all.

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