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Y/n POV:

Hello! My name is y/n and honestly I don't have too much to say about myself.Or maybe I do and I just don't want to share it. I am 14 years old and am currently in the worst stage of life... I think at least. My favourite school subject is English, and I love to draw and talk with people. I'm not really sure if I'm ready to talk about my fears, but I'll get onto that later! If I want to of course.

I open my eyes. It's dark. Like hella dark. I sit up, I'm in my bed and I look down to see my cover on the floor, it was really hot.I took a couple breaths before sighing and standing up to get my bed cover. I could have got it from sitting on the bed but I felt like being productive today.My cat, Bella, was on her bed sleeping on the other side of the room. So peaceful. Maybe one day I'll be able to sleep like that again. 

I check the time. It's like 3:46am. I always seem to wake up around that time, I scroll on my pink smart watch, doing so I think about how that thing is still working after like 5 years. So let's see how much I slept today! 1hr 28min. I'm not gonna lie. That more than usual, I don't tend to sleep much, stress has been really getting to me these days.My exams are also this week, and I haven't revised, it's really stressing me out.I'll probably get shouted at later, get my phone taken away and who knows what else. I look at my messy desk that my parents keep telling me to clean. I do. But I always mess it up the next time I use it. I walk to my desk as quietly as possible, Trying to not wake my parents up, and turn on the light at the lowest brightness. I take a sigh of relief as I snatch my notebook, a pencil and flop down onto my bed again. Now what should I draw? I look up to see my cat staring at me. It turns up I did wake up someone. I smile warmly at the furry creature as it jumps up onto my lap.I've had Bella for about 2 years. It took a lot of convincing to get her, and even more convincing to let her sleep in my room. Speaking of. My parents are VERY strict. And like, not those type of parents that show their strictness, but my parents hide it. And only show their mean side to me. I don't know if that's supposed to be normal. But all I know is, you screw up once and you're DONE. Now at this point you probably think that my life is a complete nightmare. Idk. Is it? For me it's normal. Like I don't get hurt or anything SUPER bad. But I'm just saying things could be better. Maybe I shouldn't be talking about this.....Well it's too late now!

I look up from my empty notebook. I think....when will I get the peace I deserve.

The time is currently 5:02am. Dang I zoned out for a while there. I walk back to my table, and add my notebook to the obvious mess on the table. Or should I say desk.By now Bella has gone back to her own territory and is now fast asleep again.I sigh, trudge over to my wardrobe, and get a suitable outfit to wear.After I get dressed in the silence , I do the bed as quietly as possible and clean up my messy desk. I like the silence. Thats what I was thinking about while I was doing my bed. I sat on my neat bed. I'm not even a inch tired at this point. I let myself fall back, forcing my eyes to look at the ceiling. I smile to myself. That was my favourite time of any day. And still is in fact. The silence calmed me. Also, I seemed to have forgotten to mention this. But I'm the only child in my family. I'm not saying it in a bad way, I like it. 

The sun is already shining bright outside. I walk up to my windows and stare out of them. I lean over to open the window to let fresh air in. I do love mornings. I love the crisp morning air the most- apart from the peace and calm- there was not a single cloud in the pale blue sky. Next thing I know, my mom is storming into my room telling me to get ready for school. Geez oh boy do I hate Mondays.


Alright, the school gates are in front of me, leaning over my head as if trying to scare me. I will say though. A gate is not going to get in my way.I SHALL NOT BE SCARED OF ZE GATE!!! That sounded stupid in my head. Well today is my first exam. Maths I believe.

I walk in to see the popular girl group. What a great start to the day! Honestly in my opinion they are all trash and pick me people. The leader of the gang is Queenie, Yes that is actually her name, along with 5 other girls. One of them being one of my old childhood friends, that I found out not too long ago was only using me. Nice isn't it? You can't ever trust a person. Even if they seem like they are the bestest friend you can have, they can turn at any point. I'm not gonna go any further than that cus I don't want this turning into some kind of sob story.

I walk past them, and to my luck, Emily, on of the gang members, sticks out her legs and makes me trip over onto the concrete floor. 


I hate it when she says that. Tears are forming in my eyes. I hate crying, it's weak and embarrassing. I get up as quick as I can and run to the bathroom. I hide in a stall and clutch my head. Why me? Why can't I just be normal?! WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME?! NOW that is one reason I have trust issues. Am I saying that too late or something? I don't know. I take a tissue and clean my face and hands. My hands and knees are bleeding. I put on a plaster and go back outside the stall. I've stopped crying by now.I hear the school bell and walk to class. 

First thing I do when I get there is sit down. In front of Queenie.I HATE THIS SEATING PLAN!!!! Anyways, after the teacher stops death staring at me, I take out my books. The second bell rings about 2 minutes later and at that point the teacher starts to note down everyone that's late. Also forgot to mention that this is art class. My second favourite subject. But with the worst seating plan. Honestly, I think the teachers want us to go crazy.

About 30 minutes in 1st period, the teacher leaves the classroom. At that moment, Queenie stands up and throws a apple at me. I break. At that was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I stand up, walk over to Queenie as calmly as possible and push her off her chair. THEN, the teacher comes in and sees me pushing Queenie. She starts screaming, Queenie, not the teacher, the woman runs over to her, pushing me aside. Then Queenie decides to say I've done way worse things to her I HAVENT done to her. The teacher obviously believes every word she says and starts screaming at me while Queenie has a wide smirk on her face.

I basically get dragged out of that stupid classroom and other to the principals office. That was the day I got expelled. And boy I didn't know what was coming next.


Anyways that all for now

I hope you have liked it and I'll be putting out the next part soon!

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes :p


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